Sunday, October 08, 2006

The Squid Ride Again

For the first time in several weeks, the Squid family took to the road on wheels. They first headed East to the East River (aptly named despite that fact that it is not, in deed, a river but rather a tidal estuary). There they sought out and found their 39th geocache with Squidette and Little Squid making the find at the same time. Our intrepid cephalopods then pedaled south to a very cleverly hidden cache which was discovered by our Smallest sea creature.

Continuing on their journey they attempted for a trifecta but could not find the interestingly named "Elefante Rosado" cache despite thinking that they had in deed found a rosy elephant.

Disappointed our Squid went to drown their sorrows in ice cream sandwiches and then pedaled home. 16 miles and three hours after they started, the smaller Squid were heard to remark "that was 16 miles? Didn't seem like it."Three out of four squid contemplating a cache.The sock enjoying a sunny day.The buildings we lived in when Squidette was born.Yummy endings.


Susan said...

Oh what a fun day! Y'all just have the best times.

Anonymous said...

Wow--what an amazing building to live in! I swear I've never lived in a building with more than 5 floors and I imagine the view from such a tall building (esp. the higher levels) must be magnificent! And--as always--go team squid. Riding away! I haven't done much cycling since school started, but am instead running for my exercise. I miss having the time to ride to or from work!