Status of heat at work: none.
Yup. That is how the day started. The problem? The oil filter in the temporary boiler ... get this ... froze. The technician was able to make an immediate diagnosis and the building was starting to warm again by 9 a.m. This will not happen again. You really do not want to hear how I know that this will not happen again. It is not an environmentally friendly solution. It will, however, guarantee that our students and staff can walk around without hats and mittens on.
My squirrelly employee kept coming by and sunning himself on my window sill. I would swear that he was waiting for me to open the window so he could come in and warm up.
I think turning on the boiler at the end of the weekend should be a part of Mr. Squirrel's job description.
brrrr! The young Squids look as if there might be a bit trouble navigating. Hope it warms up soon!
When we left for work it was five degrees...or in other terms, eight degrees warmer than yesterday. That spelled temporary relief, until the colleagues informed us that snow was imminent. Six inches later, there's finally some time to catch up on important reading.
If the video isn't for YouTube, perhaps we can get an Indiana screening of the concert???
Stay bikes for a few days!
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