Thursday, February 08, 2007

Just TRY to renew that ebook

Three weeks ago I downloaded a Lisa Scottoline book to my Treo. I figured that three weeks was more then enough time to read it during spare moments. I read it while waiting for my lunch, I read it on the subway (the one or two times I took it) and that was about it. Two thirds of the way through the book, it expired.

This morning I thought I would see what happens if you try to check out the same ebook two times in a row. In to the NYPL website I went. The book was available (yes, ebooks can be unavailable) so I checked it out and downloaded it. Then came the transfer to my device. That is when everything went bad. My Treo rebooted, and rebooted, and rebooted, endlessly. Even a soft reset didn't stop it. Even a medium reset didn't stop it. Even a hard reset stopping short of wiping all memory didn't start it. Wiping the memory worked. Blah. Fortunately the hot sync that mucked everything up had also caused all of my information to be saved to my computer. One more hot sync and I was golden.

Later I finally got up the nerve to try opening the book and it worked -- it was even on the correct page!

From now on I will stick to Project Gutenberg books and skip the hassle of the library due dates.

1 comment:

Susan said...

I understood the part about the ebook being due...and I sort of understood that downloading presented problems. The rest of it was totally unintelligible to my non-techy ears. However, you just impressed the heck out of me! *G* Glad you figured it all out.