This is where I lay down what I intend to do this summer and you get to laugh at me. First up is my summer reading list:

Yes, I have already read the Anne Frank, I want to reread it with an adult perspective. All of these were borrowed from the English Department bookroom hence the heavy duty bindings.
Then, my summer growing list:

Pumpkins. Don't laugh! My favorite
Otter is also attempting to grow pumpkins in a container.

Look! A tomato! First one of the season.

Cucumber vines! Yes, I am aiming for chef's salad with my own cucumbers and tomatoes. Last year we managed a whole pasta dish with our tomatoes. Yummy!
Then we have the knitting which is somewhat constrained by the two Knit-alongs. First up, my first pair for the
Summer of Socks.

The Padded Footlets from
Favorite Socks without the padding. Knit in Regia Silk, these fit Squidette's newly sized 7 feet. Save me from growing children, please!
Then the
Tour de France knit-along. I signed up for the yellow jersey. I am making the Chevron Vest from the Summer 2007 Knitters Magazine from my handspun silk/merino/alpaca mix that I picked up at Rhinebeck back in October.

Then there are all of the projects already in the queue. The Go With The Flow socks, also from
Favorite Socks, a yellow baby sweater started so long ago that I do not even remember how old it is, my cobweb lace stole and a silk scarf that I started a few weeks ago. Oh, and the theoretical blanket that I started weaving on my Hazel Rose looms say ... two years ago? I started in again on this one earlier today and have two more triangles and a square to show for my efforts.
And the spinning ... the bamboo-silk from
Susan and some very dirty alpaca that I started on the Journey Wheel after
Dave went on about the awesomeness of actual spinning on the JW. Yes, it is awesome to spin on. No, I am not enjoying myself as much as I should since my fingers wind up BLACK during a session with this stuff. I will, however, see it to the end as it is only 4 ounces or so total. That project saw almost 2 hours of work today as I enjoyed myself with an audiobook out on the balcony with my plants.
And there you have it, my summer projects. Will I finish them all? And how many more will get started? And what about the painting?!