This is where I lay down what I intend to do this summer and you get to laugh at me. First up is my summer reading list:

Yes, I have already read the Anne Frank, I want to reread it with an adult perspective. All of these were borrowed from the English Department bookroom hence the heavy duty bindings.
Then, my summer growing list:

Pumpkins. Don't laugh! My favorite
Otter is also attempting to grow pumpkins in a container.

Look! A tomato! First one of the season.

Cucumber vines! Yes, I am aiming for chef's salad with my own cucumbers and tomatoes. Last year we managed a whole pasta dish with our tomatoes. Yummy!
Then we have the knitting which is somewhat constrained by the two Knit-alongs. First up, my first pair for the
Summer of Socks.

The Padded Footlets from
Favorite Socks without the padding. Knit in Regia Silk, these fit Squidette's newly sized 7 feet. Save me from growing children, please!
Then the
Tour de France knit-along. I signed up for the yellow jersey. I am making the Chevron Vest from the Summer 2007 Knitters Magazine from my handspun silk/merino/alpaca mix that I picked up at Rhinebeck back in October.

Then there are all of the projects already in the queue. The Go With The Flow socks, also from
Favorite Socks, a yellow baby sweater started so long ago that I do not even remember how old it is, my cobweb lace stole and a silk scarf that I started a few weeks ago. Oh, and the theoretical blanket that I started weaving on my Hazel Rose looms say ... two years ago? I started in again on this one earlier today and have two more triangles and a square to show for my efforts.
And the spinning ... the bamboo-silk from
Susan and some very dirty alpaca that I started on the Journey Wheel after
Dave went on about the awesomeness of actual spinning on the JW. Yes, it is awesome to spin on. No, I am not enjoying myself as much as I should since my fingers wind up BLACK during a session with this stuff. I will, however, see it to the end as it is only 4 ounces or so total. That project saw almost 2 hours of work today as I enjoyed myself with an audiobook out on the balcony with my plants.
And there you have it, my summer projects. Will I finish them all? And how many more will get started? And what about the painting?!
Sounds like you are going to be a BUSY knitter!!
why would we laugh over your reading list? i reread anne a year ago .. totally different perspective. i am thinking of rereading lots of books i've read before and seeing them now...
will you adopt me (i think sister is better than child, but whatever)? i have a kid's 3 foot. ;) i just discovered my cousin's daughter has a size 9. I think I'll just work really hard on teaching her to knit and let her knit her own @(#*$& socks. ;) [she's 12 btw]
says she who just read a 90page no-word graphic novel. i love summer. i miss a real summer vacation...
also, i am slowly reading flowers for algernon... i'm wondering if i read a totally different book in high school as i don't remember this at all! (or wonder if i just read half of it?)
So many of my favorite childhood books seem new when I have read them with the eyes of an adult, especially with the eyes of a mother. The Little House series, Little Women, Narnia series...a whole different perspective.
I'm glad you're in the TdF KAL! I'm knitting the Chevron Shadows vest right now (not as my KAL project) and love it. Simple but engaging knitting. Be sure to look up the errata for the side panels on Knitter's website.
Sounds like a fun summer. Oh how fun it would be to have that much time to do what I liked. Well, I already do that but take an 8hr break every day to work *G*
I just love the footlets and you have me thinking about making that pattern without padding... have you seen Krist's (aka Fiber Fool)cute little anklet pattern? Same idea, summery socks! I really loved In the Time of Butterflies, though it was both beautiful and tragic. Happy Summer!
Will there be time for resting? o.0
Love the sockies!
Pumpkin Love! :D
I hope your Pumpkins do well. Maybe this year we will both have pumpkins to show and kill. *grin*
Good luck with the Tomatoes too. ;^)
Gosh, you're going to be tired at the end of the summer!
Well, you have something like 6 weeks to get it all done before Labor Day, right? That should be enough time. :)
And did I miss the part about you redecorating and stuff???
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