Today was one of those rare work days when I was not at school at all due to back to back meetings downtown. Since I hate to drive and park in that area, I did what any sane New Yorker would do, I took the subway.
On my way back uptown for another appointment I decided to treat you all to some pictures of "Manhattan, the Day After."

Not a pretty sight.
O.k., we do have some beauty ...
Central Park(Courtesy of my totally flaking and winding up on the wrong train and thus having to walk across town in subfreezing temperatures.)
Wollman Rink (site of my Aunt and Uncle's first date)
The Pan Am MetLife Building (And the really pretty building in front of it)

The Chrysler Building -- my absolute favorite in terms of architecture.
Neat sculpture -- see the snow?
There are more but it is bedtime now. Tune in tomorrow for ... The Kiss!
You can keep the slush, but that pic of Central Park is so pretty. Sorry that it took you getting lost to let us see it.
Stay warm..and's Friday!
Ohhh!! I love ice skating - I need to remember to go sometime soon. Slush you can have, but the rest of your sub zero pictures are beautiful! I wonder if you burn off more calories when you have to walk in sub zero temps? You'd think, huh? (not that I ever think about calories - just ought to be extra kudos for walking in freezing weather) *hugs*
Thanks for the picture of Wollman rink! I only saw it in the summer. your cuz - who's parents met here..
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