On Wednesday's I make sure to leave work by 4:15 so that I can pick up Squidette from her art club. Today I was delayed and it turned out to be a good thing. Since, as I mentioned yesterday, I can not make it to the
Yarn Harlot event, I took a load of hats from school to Knitty City to stand in for me. Most of these hats, I admit, were supposed to be chemo caps but they never made it into the mail for that project. Hey, someone will get good use out of them.
As Squidette and I walked into Knitty City who should we meet but
Stephanie herself! She took the hats from us and added them to the display in the shop window. Dope that I am, I missed a chance to get a picture of her -- forgetting that my camera is now an almost permanent resident of my knitting bag. Once I remembered, she was gone but I did get a shot of the window.

I also got this ...

six skeins of Merinos Otto Shadow and two more
shawl pins hair sticks. The yarn is the exact shade of purple that I wanted for a scarf and hat to match my new winter coat.
And just for the smile -- my cleaning lady seems to think that the new Squid belong here.

We agree!
Oh that's some gorgeous yarn. It looks so soft. I'll have to google it. And how fun that Steph was there to take your hats. That's one big pile of hats! I'd love to go on that tour of FIT. And oh my gosh, I'm totally awed at the number of yarn stores in the boroughs. What a fun yarn crawl that could be. I'll pick y'all up and take you with me when I win P.Clearing House.
That is one GREAT Pony Tail. I had one once for over 20 years, and the thing became enormous, almost 7 foot long blades. I miss it, and my kitty Mr. Bambi loved playing with it, too. I thikn I even had it in the same faux terra cotta pot at one time, too.
Ohhhhh, a Harlot sighting! That must have been fun. Beautiful yarn--what color is your new coat?
Knitty City is brilliant for selling those hair pins as shawl pins. I've bought a couple myself and had a hard time choosing since they're all so pretty.
I think your cleaning lady is right. :D
I love that yarn color and the hair pins, of course.
Are you sure it isn't my fault? *g*
How fun! :D
Love that yarn. I can't wait to see what it grows up to be.
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