Today started just like any other day. Up early, sip a cup of tea and then get down to work. The work for this morning? Crazy Hair. We started with this:

Added pipe cleaners, braids, a single pony tail, beads and some Regia Crazy and created this:

Sadly, she did not win for craziest hair. Next year, more pipe cleaners!
Awww, she should have won prettiest *smile* award and the *silly hair* award. Looks like you two had too much fun. She gets prettier every day, I think.
Thanks for always being a better blogger than I am & all the comments you "consistently" leave on my blog. I'm here to do my monthly catch up. *sighs* I wish there was a way to work in more consistency! *stomps foot*
She needs feathers and those tiny blinkie lights. LED or LCD or something. Complete with little battery packs. You know I'm not kidding.
What a cute idea--Crazy Hair Day. I'd love to know how crazy the hair was of the winner.
Oh too fun! What a time for the memory book *G*
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