Mike and I enjoyed one of our last days together and got very little accomplished. Which is just fine.
After dropping the kids off we came home via Zabar's, at which point I realized that I have never shared this NYC gem with you all. When I first moved into Manhattan, perhaps even before, Mike introduced me to what was then the gourmet food store. Many concerts-in-the-park were provisioned with cheese and bread from Zabar's. Many a lox-and-bagel breakfast have been procured here. Today we grabbed some yummy gift stuff as well as some basic provisions for the apartment. I say "we" but I actually stood outside with the bikes, knitting, while Mike did the shopping. We know who wears the pants in this family. (Actually I was wearing bike shorts.)
Caught sight of this view on the way home. I don't know what any of the buildings are, but it was an interesting juxtaposition of old and new.
Excellent reason to break out the panniers!
Um, thanks for that. (It really is time for him to put his pants on now. lol)
I LOVE Zabar's. Visiting new York can be expensive to go to restaurants all the time, so you just pop into Z's and get a few things for your hotel fridge, and you're all set. And they ahve a great selection of chocolate bars, too. (Hmmm...why do I remember that detail so well?)
Zarbar's! So jealous.
Why is a guy wandering around in his panties a big deal in the city? I've a neighbor who's out in his boxers often because his cell doesn't work in the house. Not a huge deal. You city folk...
I'm so glad that you and Mike got to enjoy your day.
HA HA!!! That naked cowboy looks hilarious! LOL
I wish I could hear him singing... ;-)
I don't knowe New York City but I hope I will be able to visit someday...
I am glad you enjoy your summer time! :-)
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