And now I present my completed Tour de France Knitalong project and bonus project.
(Mike was tired of the same old pose so I gave him something new and he in turn created a picture that is almost impossible to view.)
The Chevron Vest from Knitter's Magazine, Summer 2007. Yarn is my own handspun merino/silk/alpaca blend spun to a sportweight triple ply (navajo plyed). Not completely consistent in grist but mostly.
The vest still needs to be blocked and needs buttons. I do not like the buttons I had so this will wait until I can get to a trimmings store this week.
And matching socks. The cuff uses the stitch pattern from the vest. Socks were knit toe up with a sort row heel. The toe up was done because I was afraid I would run out of yarn. I probably have enough yarn left to make a matching pair of wristlets. In other words, I had enough to make an entire sweater. Figures. The rainbow batt was roughly 9 ounces. Oh, and these socks count for Summer of Socks, too!
Very very nice! :)
Gosh, lovely socks and vest - that really is a Tour de Force!
Fantastic! Not one project but two! Both look great.
The vest and socks look excellent in your handspun yarn. I loved knitting that vest pattern and want to make one for me (the first one went home with my sister.)
Amazing how you were able to stand diagonally, or Diagon Alley, to highlight the slanting lines of the vest! (Sorry- must be the heat.)
Congratulations on excelling beyond the challenge. The spinning is one thing, and then the vest, and the socks. very cool stuff.
Felicitations! Love the lovely colors!
Very nice-looking vest AND socks! Spinning, knitting, reading, cycling, chocolate-eating, painting--and it's not even August yet! Looking forward to the August adventures of the Squids.
Congratulations!!! I'm so envious that you were able to finish not one, but two, projects! I hope you're having a great summer.
Well done!
Ya know, if you weren't so tall... ;^)
Devorah, I'm very impressed! I love the vest and socks and knowing that you spun the yarn well..awesome! Can I go with you to the trimming shop?? Please, pretty please.
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