Things have been relatively quiet the last few days, hence the lack of blogging. I met with my new Principal on Thursday and then watched Squidette perform in her camp orchestra. Brava!
Friday saw a bike ride with Little Squid while Squidette was getting pelted with water balloons in camp.
Yorkville and Ruppert Towers, a one time bastion of middle class living in Manhattan -- now condominiums. Commentary on that sad state of affairs will wait until another day.We rode up and over to our favorite bike store

where they had special ordered a helmet mirror for me. We then rode back home, doing a loop of Central Park in the process. During our journey, Papa and Little Squid introduced me to a foot.

I, in turn, introduced the foot to a sock.

Then a dragon got the sock. Eek! These curiosities can be found on 81st Street if you want to check them out.

We cycled 15 miles in the heat and then came home and crashed until it was time to retrieve Squidette.
Today saw us pedal uptown for a breakfast picnic along the Hudson River just south of the Little Red Lighthouse. No, we did not climb
that hill. We did, however, discover this lovely little cove.

Then, instead of just retracing our path along the river, we left the greenway for Riverside Drive at 125th Street and climbed a "memorable" hill which rises something like 4 stories in the span of two city blocks. The last time we tried this hill, Little Squid and I stalled quite near the bottom. Today ... we made it! And then had a lovely ride up and down Riverside Drive until rejoining the greenway at 72nd Street. Total mileage (including a side trip to the Green Market): 20 miles all before 11:30 a.m. and before the temperature went over 90.
On the knitting front, am I the only person in the world who needs a spread sheet to knit a Baby Surprise?

I'm not kidding! I need to pay very careful attention for the first 30 rows or so until the increases begin. Once those are done I have a good time of it but there is a good reason why I do not knit too many of these. This one is for a colleague who is due to join the wonderful world of parenthood in October. The sweater is now done except for the seaming which will wait until said child appears.

Also in progress are two pair of socks to be gifted. Yes, that is monkey going on again in the bright (female) sock and just a plain k2p2 ribbed thing in the duller (male) sock.
what fun! i have yet to successfully complete a BSJ mostly b/c I have yet to pay attention. I always screw up just before the increases. Another friend has her second baby brewing to knit for so I hope to get it right one of these days.
Quiet times are refreshing. I like the appropos sock posing on giant foot. The Baby Surprise does tend to need attention especially in the early stages.
Wow! It would take A LOT of sock yarn to cover THAT foot.
Your socks are beautiful. I like the "male" version very much.
LOL! It is as if you are identifying male and female birds when you label your socks by sex.
What a foot! I'm thinking after all the busy-ness of the last few weeks, these last days must have been quite nice.
I've heard a lot about Baby Surprise but have never seen one completed so I'll look forward to that.
Love the socks! Monkey is such a fun pattern.
WOW!!! That is huge foot! You obviously didn't cast on enough stitches... LOL!!!
You are so funny! :-)
Thanks for the laugh... again!
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