May I present roughly 800 yards of Berrilicious Merino. Dyed as roving by
Dave and spun by your favorite Mama Squid.

Berrilicious is a sport weight, 3 ply done in my favorite Navajo method. I just love the rhythm of Navajo plying. Plans? I want to find a nice fair isle cardigan or vest pattern. No steeks pleases. Right now I am debating the Spools pattern from Handpaint Country, modified to avoid cutting. I am not afraid of steeking, per se, just of my habit of making things too big and having to go back and reknit -- which is not a possibility if half the yarn is in tiny pieces. Not with my precious hand spun, please. I'll take suggestions ...
Next on the wheel was the rest of the plummy wool.

I predrafted it all, after first dividing the roving into 16 roughly equal parts, and spun it up over 2 days. Pictures of the finished skeins in a day or two when I need room in the bathroom again.

Papa Squid was amazed at the pile of roving and decided to have some fun.
Now both my wheels are empty and next up is the matching orangy roving. I spun the last of the plummy stuff using a modified long draw and it spun up so quickly that I may be deluding myself as to how fast the orangy stuff will spin up.
Meanwhile, I have not been the only creative Squid this week. Look at what Papa made!

(The kids' monsters will debute, probably, tomorrow. They have some text to write up in order to properly describe their creations. But first and foremost, we have snow to play in!)
Yay! one day i need a plying lesson. today however is a snow day (for me anyway).
the berrylicious looks very yummy. dave dyes beautifully. :)
Scrumptious looking purples and pizza.
It seems we are going for the Princess Leia look?
Snow .... I'm SO jealous.
I don't want to be cold --- I HATE being cold, but I do SO want to play in snow!!!
I looks like it is going to be a nice day here, but from the look out my office window's VERY WINDY
Luscious yarn - and what a cool periodic table (I want one)! The pizza looks very tasty, too.
Scrumydelicious looking yarn and pizza! Having snow today seems like a perfect ending for the vacation. Have fun!
That 3-ply is AWESOME! And I can't believe the yardage, too. And, of course, your plying leaves me in awe. Congrats!
Beautiful yarn!
Now I'm hungry...
I heard that y'all were getting snow and I thought the timing was perfect for the end of the break. Have fun. That yarn is amazing. I was here earlier but left to go look at spinning fibers online. There is a lot I don't know...including how to make my spindle work :-0
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