It's that time of year again. Time to guess how many miles we Squid will ride by October 31, 2008. Current and past totals are posted in the sidebar.
Contest entries must be posted in the comments section to this post by 11:00 P.M. Saturday, September 6, 2008. Prizes include sock yarn, chocolate and assorted swag.
Remember, these are miles ridden as a family and do not count miles ridden by the adults alone. Mileage may include those ridden as one adult and two kids.
Contest is open to family members with the understanding that the prizes may be altered to suit the needs of the winner. Feel free to enter even if you do not knit.
Regular blogging, of a sort, should resume tomorrow.
That is all.
Showing posts with label contest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label contest. Show all posts
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Getting to Know Me
This post is because I'm all about trying to win some yummy sock yarn from KnittyOtter!
Getting to Know you Contest Questionnaire:
1.) How long have you been knitting?
At least since junior year in high school, maybe longer. I really can't remember. I've been actively knitting (as in, a project always in progress) for about 9 years.
2.) How long have you been knitting socks?
About 6 years. My aunt steered me toward a toe up pattern and I've been hooked ever since.
3.) What do you do with a problem like Maria?
Marry her to Luis. (anyone get the reference?)
4.) What is your all time favorite sock yarn?
Cabin Cove. Partly because I love his colors, partly because the base yarn is so soft and partly because Dave is such a great guy!
5.) Toe Up or Cuff Down?
These days, cuff down, I've decided I prefer the fit of a flap heel and haven't found a toe up one that I like. It used to be all about the toe up around here, however. Like for the longest time I resisted cuff down.
6.) What's your favorite color (this week or for all time)? Do you have a color family/season/palette you prefer? Any colors you just can't stand?
This week it's all about pink. I think I am channeling my inner Cookie. Just bought a watch with a pink strap. Wear a pink bike helmet ... you get the idea. I like just about anything in the right combination but tend to steer clear of olivey colors.
7.) Do you have a pet(s)?
Yes, three turtles who are plotting to take over the world. One of them is a "boarder" turtle whose owner has been in Sweden for the last 3 years. Yea, like I'm returning him after all this time!
8.) Babies: Oven Roasted or Barbecued?
9.) Besides socks what is your favorite type of thing to knit?
Hats. I love to get creative with them.
10.) What's your favorite scent?
The smell you get rising from the ground just after the rain. Real ground, not sidewalk!
11.) What music are you really loving right now? Like a song or a band?
Nothing in particular. Yea, I'm boring that way.
12.) How many pairs of socks have you hand knit?
Too many to accurately count. My husband has at least a dozen.
13.) What's your favorite treat? Salty or Sweet?
Depends. I can totally go to town on salty chips and salsa or savor a single truffle.
14.) What was the most interesting thing you smelled yesterday. Not good or bad necessarily, just the thing that stuck out most so that you actually took notice of it.
Indian spices. We went to a party at my sister-in-law's and I must have spilled something on myself. When I came home I had a distinct Indian spice smell about me.
15.) Needles - DPN's: Wooden, metal or plastic?
Addi Turbos! The lace ones if I can get my hands on them. Bamboo dpns if necessary. I really like the rhythm of moving from one dpn to another but circular needles and magic loop are more practical for my needs. Not as easy to lose a needle.
16.) What is your favorite sock pattern that you've knit? What do you recommend?
Don't have one. I've made a couple of patterns twice but rarely more than that except for your basic ribbed sock -- of which I've made at least a dozen.
17.) The last Question: If you were stuck on a deserted island who would you want with you, what knitting would you want with you and would you ever want to leave?
I'd want my husband with me, a light weight wool shawl -- it can double as a blanket, and yes, probably after a few days. I need action around me, even if I don't partake.
Getting to Know you Contest Questionnaire:
1.) How long have you been knitting?
At least since junior year in high school, maybe longer. I really can't remember. I've been actively knitting (as in, a project always in progress) for about 9 years.
2.) How long have you been knitting socks?
About 6 years. My aunt steered me toward a toe up pattern and I've been hooked ever since.
3.) What do you do with a problem like Maria?
Marry her to Luis. (anyone get the reference?)
4.) What is your all time favorite sock yarn?
Cabin Cove. Partly because I love his colors, partly because the base yarn is so soft and partly because Dave is such a great guy!
5.) Toe Up or Cuff Down?
These days, cuff down, I've decided I prefer the fit of a flap heel and haven't found a toe up one that I like. It used to be all about the toe up around here, however. Like for the longest time I resisted cuff down.
6.) What's your favorite color (this week or for all time)? Do you have a color family/season/palette you prefer? Any colors you just can't stand?
This week it's all about pink. I think I am channeling my inner Cookie. Just bought a watch with a pink strap. Wear a pink bike helmet ... you get the idea. I like just about anything in the right combination but tend to steer clear of olivey colors.
7.) Do you have a pet(s)?
Yes, three turtles who are plotting to take over the world. One of them is a "boarder" turtle whose owner has been in Sweden for the last 3 years. Yea, like I'm returning him after all this time!
8.) Babies: Oven Roasted or Barbecued?
9.) Besides socks what is your favorite type of thing to knit?
Hats. I love to get creative with them.
10.) What's your favorite scent?
The smell you get rising from the ground just after the rain. Real ground, not sidewalk!
11.) What music are you really loving right now? Like a song or a band?
Nothing in particular. Yea, I'm boring that way.
12.) How many pairs of socks have you hand knit?
Too many to accurately count. My husband has at least a dozen.
13.) What's your favorite treat? Salty or Sweet?
Depends. I can totally go to town on salty chips and salsa or savor a single truffle.
14.) What was the most interesting thing you smelled yesterday. Not good or bad necessarily, just the thing that stuck out most so that you actually took notice of it.
Indian spices. We went to a party at my sister-in-law's and I must have spilled something on myself. When I came home I had a distinct Indian spice smell about me.
15.) Needles - DPN's: Wooden, metal or plastic?
Addi Turbos! The lace ones if I can get my hands on them. Bamboo dpns if necessary. I really like the rhythm of moving from one dpn to another but circular needles and magic loop are more practical for my needs. Not as easy to lose a needle.
16.) What is your favorite sock pattern that you've knit? What do you recommend?
Don't have one. I've made a couple of patterns twice but rarely more than that except for your basic ribbed sock -- of which I've made at least a dozen.
17.) The last Question: If you were stuck on a deserted island who would you want with you, what knitting would you want with you and would you ever want to leave?
I'd want my husband with me, a light weight wool shawl -- it can double as a blanket, and yes, probably after a few days. I need action around me, even if I don't partake.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Squid Awake
I've got back to school jitters tonight. Interesting since I returned to work on Monday but the teachers come back tomorrow so that is probably the source of my insomnia.
There is an addendum to yesterday's post -- the 2:30 a.m. mass at St. Andrew's Church (RC) was called the Printer's Mass because it was held after the newspapers finished printing for the night. The printers were then able to attend mass before heading home from work. St. Andrew's also held a noon mass (I do not know if this is common now but apparently it wasn't back then). The noon mass was to accommodate the working people on their lunch break and was apparently very popular.
One last note before I try to knit myself into a state where I can sleep -- the contest closes at the end of the day on Friday, August 31. Get your entries in while you can! Yes, this does leave you guessing as to what we will do on the upcoming long weekend. Deal with it.

There is an addendum to yesterday's post -- the 2:30 a.m. mass at St. Andrew's Church (RC) was called the Printer's Mass because it was held after the newspapers finished printing for the night. The printers were then able to attend mass before heading home from work. St. Andrew's also held a noon mass (I do not know if this is common now but apparently it wasn't back then). The noon mass was to accommodate the working people on their lunch break and was apparently very popular.
One last note before I try to knit myself into a state where I can sleep -- the contest closes at the end of the day on Friday, August 31. Get your entries in while you can! Yes, this does leave you guessing as to what we will do on the upcoming long weekend. Deal with it.
Papa Squid, Squidette and one of the many Uncle Squid. Notice how grown up Squidette has become. Sniff.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Squid On Wheels Contest Reminder
For those of you holding out until the end of the month to enter your guess I give you this: the total will most likely hold steady until after the contest deadline. I go back to work tomorrow and the likelyhood of Papa and the Squidlings riding without me is slim.
Go to this post to lodge your guesses.
Go to this post to lodge your guesses.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Some NYC and the Second Annual Squid on Wheels Contest
Yesterday the kids and I did some touristy stuff combined with our errands. Periodically my squidlings get commercial on me and actually want something. Since this happens so rarely, I tend to give in. This time, however, I was only willing to give in if they spent their own money. And they did.
We went to the Build-A-Bear Workshop on 5th Avenue where they got a lesson in economics as well as marketing. Oh yea, and a cat, each. Below is Little Squid's cat -- notice the pants only half pulled up. Kind of like how Little Squid used to dress himself. Later, at home, the kids got busy making beds, pajamas and underwear for their friends.
We went to the Build-A-Bear Workshop on 5th Avenue where they got a lesson in economics as well as marketing. Oh yea, and a cat, each. Below is Little Squid's cat -- notice the pants only half pulled up. Kind of like how Little Squid used to dress himself. Later, at home, the kids got busy making beds, pajamas and underwear for their friends.
It speaks for itself. If I actually I.D. it I will just get spammers on the blog.
And finally, the second annual Squid On Wheels contest.
If you read this blog from the main page, you may have noticed the Squid On Wheels totals over on the right. The mileage has been creeping up over the summer and we are close to passing last year's total. Weather permitting, the mileage will continue to rise right up through the end of the year. It is your job to guess how many miles the Squid Family will ride by October 31, 2007.
Note that I only include miles ridden by two kids and at least one adult. The adult-only rides from earlier in the summer did not count. If you need some help putting your guess together, go back through the archives to get a hint of at least one ride that we have planned for September.
One entry per person.
All guesses must go in the comments for this post so everyone can see your guess and so I have them easily accessible.
Contest entries close at the end of August 31.
Prizes: A skein of high end sock yarn (enough for a pair of socks) of my choice and some yummy NYC chocolate. And maybe some other NYC swag. (Yarn will be chosen with contest winner in mind and will not come from my stash.)
Caveats: If a family member wins (extended family, not immediate squid) then the yarn will be transformed into socks. Squidlings and Papa Squid are not eligible in this forum.
If you read this blog from the main page, you may have noticed the Squid On Wheels totals over on the right. The mileage has been creeping up over the summer and we are close to passing last year's total. Weather permitting, the mileage will continue to rise right up through the end of the year. It is your job to guess how many miles the Squid Family will ride by October 31, 2007.
Note that I only include miles ridden by two kids and at least one adult. The adult-only rides from earlier in the summer did not count. If you need some help putting your guess together, go back through the archives to get a hint of at least one ride that we have planned for September.
One entry per person.
All guesses must go in the comments for this post so everyone can see your guess and so I have them easily accessible.
Contest entries close at the end of August 31.
Prizes: A skein of high end sock yarn (enough for a pair of socks) of my choice and some yummy NYC chocolate. And maybe some other NYC swag. (Yarn will be chosen with contest winner in mind and will not come from my stash.)
Caveats: If a family member wins (extended family, not immediate squid) then the yarn will be transformed into socks. Squidlings and Papa Squid are not eligible in this forum.
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Contest Winner?
Way back when I posted this picture:
Then I forgot about it for a while. We passed the site regularly but the newcomer did not jump out at me and proclaim "I'm it!" And so I continued to forget about it. Finally, I did remember and discovered that I had no clue where it was -- other then that it was along the path to the Greenmarket.
And so, yesterday we set off to the Greenmarket with two missions. 1. Farm fresh fruit and veggies and 2. figure out what was "coming soon."
We totally missed it on the outward trip, being convinced that it was on Fifth Avenue. By 19th street we had figured out the error of our ways and promised to walk back along Broadway.
On the way back, just as we were about to give up, we spotted it and, comparing it to the photo (yes, we had to take the picture along with us, we were that pathetic) confirmed that this is it.
It's a bar. How anticlimactic.
No one guessed a bar so technically no one wins. Mike thinks that I get to eat the chocolate myself. I'm of a different mind but I have to think about this a bit. Give me a day or two to declare a "winner."
And so, yesterday we set off to the Greenmarket with two missions. 1. Farm fresh fruit and veggies and 2. figure out what was "coming soon."
We totally missed it on the outward trip, being convinced that it was on Fifth Avenue. By 19th street we had figured out the error of our ways and promised to walk back along Broadway.
On the way back, just as we were about to give up, we spotted it and, comparing it to the photo (yes, we had to take the picture along with us, we were that pathetic) confirmed that this is it.
No one guessed a bar so technically no one wins. Mike thinks that I get to eat the chocolate myself. I'm of a different mind but I have to think about this a bit. Give me a day or two to declare a "winner."
Monday, March 12, 2007
Guess! Guess! Guess!
I feel the need for a fly-by post and remembered that I had not put up this picture for you guys ...
I forget where we saw this but it was along our regular Green Market route so we pass it regularly.
If you can guess what winds up in this spot then I will send you chocolate! Good, Jaques Torres chocolate ... and maybe yarn. More then one winner? Lottery!
Contest closes on St. Patrick's day.
If you can guess what winds up in this spot then I will send you chocolate! Good, Jaques Torres chocolate ... and maybe yarn. More then one winner? Lottery!
Contest closes on St. Patrick's day.
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