Friday, August 24, 2007


So you do not have to read blathering about our boring activities (dentist, doctor, back to school shopping etc) I give you some more vacation photos. Be sure to click for bigger on the roller coaster photos if you want a good look at my face. It is really worth a look. If you want to read the blathering that gives this post it's title, then scroll down past the pictures.

Executioner Sheep
The Big Cheese
Cool thing in Cincinatti
Cool thing in Indiana
Close up of Cool Thing in Indiana
Mama Squid and Squidette enjoying (?) a Roller Coaster
Sheer Terror
A Nice Photo of Squidette on Her Bike

Reentry is always tough and it was made tougher this week by rotten weather. We did lots of boring back-to-school shopping where in we discovered that Squidette has added flesh/muscle to certain body parts moving her pant status from slim-with-button-elastic to regular-with-button-elastic. (Yes the regulars are still a bit roomy even with the addition.) It also revealed that young ladies are expected to jump from size 14 kids to size 0 womens. Gulp! Got to love a naive kid -- she was looking for 0-slim with button elastic!

Little Squid was easier to fit now that Old Navy has decided that there are slim size 10 kids. I think my complaints on his sister's behalf may have had an impact. Yea, right.

And lastly, my dentist must have heard that my union settled with the city. He has found a way to spend my extra income. Squidette and I both have to go back for more work -- redo of an old, worn out filling for me, sealant and maybe cavity for her. Figures.

Today we may try to do something fun and then Squidette and I will tackle my back to school shopping. Oh joy. Did I mention that I go back to work on Monday? And that I spent a good deal of time on the phone, working, yesterday? It's o.k., I'll take the time back when we do the middle school tours with Little Squid.

Tomorrow -- we plan to circumnavigate Manhattan as a family. I promise photos this time.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

I'm Not That Prolific!

Many of you seem to have misinterpreted my productivity last week. Not all of those socks were knit on my trip. As a matter of fact, only one full pair of adult socks was knit -- and that was a combination of 1.25 men's socks and .75 woman's socks. One pair of baby socks and the matching sweater (if you count the double set of sleeves as counting for the parts that were already finished before we hit the road). That's it guys. The rest of the socks were all knit ahead of time. I swear it! Also, please remember that we were in the car for a good 24 hours counting all legs of the trip. That's a lot of time to knit.

Yesterday, meanwhile, I resumed knitting on my lace shawl.

It did not accompany us out west since it is by no means mindless knitting for all that 3 out of 4 rows are plain stockinette. The fineness of the yarn means that I have to keep my eyes glued to the needles.

I also resumed work on assembling a blanket for the Sanctuary Stitchers program. I've had the blocks in my possession since May. The plan is to finish the panels this week and the entire thing before the end of next week. Time to get it to someone who needs it.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Trip Knitting

Yes, there was knitting on the trip. Non-stop on the drives west and east and intermittent while visiting.

Finished was this baby sweater -- still in need of blocking and sewing up. The sleeves were knit twice. My goal was to finish it before reaching Kentucky (the back and one front were done before heading west). By the time we reached Columbus, OH, I had finished knitting the sleeves (for the first time) and started sewing up. About half an hour later I realized that there was no way the sleeves would fit the sleeve cap despite measuring up correctly so I abandoned the job and worked on socks for a little bit. When we reached Kentucky I took a quick look at the intended sweater recipient and decided that the whole thing would be too small, so the sweater slept for the rest of the visit. I did, however, whip up a quick pair of socks for the big-little lady which joined the socks I gifted to her parents. (The parental socks were knit well before the trip.)
Miss E's socks
Socks for Mike's brother, his wife and daughter.

At the end of the visit I finally got the sweater draped over Miss E and decided that it was not a lost cause. The sleeves were reknit from Indianapolis to Wheeling to a bit east of Harrisburg, PA where they were finally finished. I think they will fit now but will leave the finishing until later today.

On the sock front, I had a pair of Monkey socks in a close-to-complete state and slated to be gifted to my newest sister-in-law. Those got picked up for completion on the trip from Kentucky to Indiana and I am proud to say, were finished in time for gift-giving that evening. Both brother and sister-in-law found them cozy and comfy. Yea!
Socks for J & JSocks for another, currently unnamed in-law

... and his wife.

While in Indianapolis I helped my sister-in-law remember how to knit. Does anyone out that way have a favorite yarn store to recommend? One where the staff is really nice to newbies? I left her with the Knitter's shop guide but that doesn't tell you which shops are nice to people and which turn up their noses and tell you that you are knitting the wrong way. Helen? Ann? You guys are the closest to IN that I know of ... maybe you know something?

I also left my brother with firm instructions to totally enable her. Tee Hee! He doesn't know what he is in for ...

Early this morning our next door neighbor brought by the packages that had arrived while we were away. Imagine my joy and amazement when I found all of this from Isabelle!
The ball shaped things are tea flowers. The clothes are lovely and I think I once made a sweater out of the yarn that the potholder is made of. Squidette is so enamored of the bag that I may have to give it to her. Thank you so much!!!

Monday, August 20, 2007

New York, New York ...

Um ... yea, no more ear worms. If you got one from that title then it is your own fault!

We are back home and no worse for wear. The day started in West Virginia with poor Little Squid succumbing to a migriane. Boo. Fortunately it faded fast thanks, we think, to the miracle of modern medicine. And, by the time we were an hour out of Wheeling he was mostly back to normal. Yes, I did make the poor kid get in the car with a migraine. Bad mommy.

If you read the Cincinnati post, please go back -- apparently the photos did not load. They are there now.

Mike's photos are now on line if you care to look, otherwise, if you are patient, I will get the best up with captions in a day or two.

Now to sleep in my own bed. Woo Hoo!!! I love traveling and had a great time, but home is always best.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Sweet Home Indiana

I love Indianapolis. I truly think that it is my second favorite city. Where else can you get great biking and a State Fair that you can pedal to? (And get $1 off admission for doing so!)(Let me know if you know of anywhere else like this, we might have to go there.)We started our time in Indy by eating dinner with my wonderful "kid" brother and his equally wonderful bride. They introduced us to L'Enorme Frittes at Brugge. Mmmm ...
The following morning, however, we were distressed to see that our activities of the previous evening had aroused the suspicions of the local secret service -- look at them surrounding our poor minivan. We are unsure what we did to offend them as they never actually spoke to us but it was kind of freaky. (Yes, we know that the secret service does not really use that kind of car but having 5 of all of the same car surrounding us was still kind of weird.)
We then did a spot of geocaching before heading out for a ride and a visit to the Indiana State Fair.
At the fair we found lots of fried food. Mmm ...and really large things.

Like this chicken
and this bunny (which we think ate a snake, it was sooo large and kind of snake shaped)
and the world's second largest boar ...
right next to the world's largest boar!
There were very large wheels for those who needed to roll ...
and very large shoes for those who chose to walk.
Of course there was the extra large shoe lace to go with the extra large shoe ...which might belong to this guy.
Of course such a large guy needs his vegetables equally large.
For some reason, the sheep were normal size but seemed to be embarrassed about it, hiding their shame behind these masks so we should not know their true, puny identities.These horses were also normal sized though they seemed huge to us. My brother was bothered by the fact that he was the only one applauding for the ribbon winners.

There were of course rides for the small ones.
Yes, they are wearing John Deere hats.
And Papa Squid joined Squidette on the flume. No pictures of Mama Squid braving (or cursing) on the roller coaster with the thrill seeking pre-teen. (Actually there are photos but they are still on Papa Squid's camera -- you 'll see them in a day or two.)

Finally we pedaled back to lil' bro's place for a relaxing meal of pizza and some jigsaw puzzling.

Saturday dawned cloudy but your intrepid Squid prevailed and grabbed my fearless brother for a bike ride. Poor Josh is not a cyclist (though a fantastic athlete otherwise) and was a bit saddle sore for this second ride. He pushed and persevered and did manage to keep up with us for 20 miles of Indiana goodness. I love a nice flat state!

Lunch was burgers at Bub's ...
and then back to bro's to find a feeling better sis-in-law and a yummy dinner of lamb, orzo and Indiana corn. Yes, I am feeling somewhat fat today.

Tonight we are in West Virginia and tomorrow, if all goes well, we will be back in our beloved NYC. Yes, there is much knitting to talk about but see if you can wait until we get settled back in. There is also a couple of really neat photo series still to come once Papa down loads his photos.

Baby, If You've Ever Wondered ...

Wondered, whatever became of me ... (with apologies to T Wells and H Wilson)I'm riding round the streets of Cincinnati,Cincinnati, WKRP.Got tired of packing and unpacking,Town to town and up and down the dial.Things that you and squid were never meant to see,
Cincinnati, WKRP.

Indianapolis 500

You knew it was only a matter of time ... the coinicidence is eerie, however, and the title of this post just popped into my head while I was showering.

The Squid have broken the 500 mile mark for family cycling this summer all thanks to my brother -- who wanted to go for a long ride today. While in Indianapolis we have ridden a total of 35 miles. Not earth shattering for the Squid but a nice accomplishment none the less and a good reason to have schleped the bikes all these miles.
I promise more details of our Midwest / South adventure in future posts. Ride Happy!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Kentucky Woman ...

(with apologies to Neil Diamond)

O.k., if you are expecting me to compose this post aka Neil Diamond, you are sadly mistaken. John Denver was easier but I do not know any J.D. songs about Kentucky.

Instead you get pictures of fauna,
and lovely, wide open skies

and jerry-rigged knife sharpeners.
Apparently a very important piece got left at home and the price of lodging at my brother-in-law's was sharpened knives.

So we improvised.
Yes, that is a number 8 knitting needle and lots of o-hooks.

The view from the porch. Very relaxing to sit out there with no traffic and no neighbors.

The kids got their first taste of legal fireworks ...

the sparklers were duds ...but some of the other stuff was kind of cool.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

We're Going To Kentucky ...

We're going to the fair, (in Indiana)

To see the kitties, horsesAnd others who live there.