Thursday, April 16, 2009

Catch Up Time

Spring Break started something like this ...

yes, that is a chicken bone ... they were out of lamb shanks.

The break continued with some finishing ...
and more finishing ...
As well as some nice beginnings ...

(Those are peas if you are confused.)

And then there was some dying ...

And a little bit of yogurt making ...
Only a little bike riding due to the weather. And, lots and lots of matzah.

And then there was the worm poop ... I dare you to ask!

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Of Costumes and Concerts

The kids performed yesterday as part of their borowide band program. My camera work leaves much to be desired ...

Not Carnegie, rather the stage of JHS 99, but just as wonderful. They brought tears to my eyes!

Today was spent sewing poodle skirts ... 7 down, 6 to go. (One pink and two each of the other colors.)
Imagine the neck ribbing almost done on the vest, armholes yet to be started.

Saturday, April 04, 2009

More Costume Progress

Imagine if you will, a stack of 8 soon-to-be poodle skirts and matching neck scarves sitting pinned and awaiting the first pass through the sewing machine. Then imagine the pieces of the remaining 5 sitting on my floor.

Include in that image an argyle vest that is 2/3s sewn and awaiting addition of neck and armhole finishing.

That's where we now stand.

Tomorrow ... laundry, poodle skirt sewing and perhaps some vest finishing.

What about the sweater I promised to finish?

Sweater? What sweater? Yea, it may not make it's Passover Premier as I had hoped due to my obsession with poodle skirts.

Monday, March 30, 2009


Progress has been made on the argyle vest. There is now a front and a back.

Now to settle in for a few hours of end hiding.

The fabric for the poodle skirts should arrive by Friday.
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Friday, March 27, 2009


As I climbed the stairs to my office this morning, a young man asked "Miss, are you wearing stockings?" Puzzled, I answered "Yes, why do you ask?"

The answer? (swallow any liquids, please, I will not be responsible for broken keyboards)

"Your legs look so clean!"

I paused a moment and said "well I do wash them ..."

(What will he say when I start riding in shorts and my legs are constantly stained with bicycle grease?)

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Math and Crafts

The children joined the school drama club and will be appearing in "Bye Bye Birdie" in early May. School plays require costumes.

For the Sweet Apple Teen, Debra Sue (aka Sqidette), it means a Poodle skirt.

This prompted the statements "fast, divided 28 by pi," and "32 X 4 divided by 36," the latter in an effort to figure out the real yardage needed versus what we purchased.
I blew it. Before we even got to this point. I really should have reread the instructions instead of assuming that I could wing it. This skirt is supposed to be about 4 inches longer. Oops!

No Knees allowed. That said, the kids tell me that one of the other girls is smaller then Little Squid. So, this will be hers if she wants it. At least it gave me an opportunity to figure out what has to be done.

As I've volunteered to make all of the skirts if needed, this is a good thing. The girls are supposed to make their own. I really do not see that happening.

Then there is Little Squid's costume. He plays Harvey Johnson, a geek who is trying to get a date to the prom.
Can you say "argyle vest?" The graph was charted by Little Squid, hence the statements "69 is and easily dividable number -- use it instead" and "2x +1 is always an odd number." The first statement was originally "69 is an evenly dividable number" which prompted Mike to tell me to go back to looking cute since my brain obviously was not working.
There are also sweater pieces blocking but that is another post. One to be written after the sweater is assembled.

Math Day

Math in the real world -- or at least at Casa del Squid. The following sentences were really uttered by me this morning, directed at one or the other child ...

"Fast, divide 28 by pi."

"32 X 4 divided by 36"

"6 X16"

"69 is an easily dividable number -- use it instead"

"2x + 1 is always an odd number."

We are not studying for a test. Any ideas as to what we might be doing?

Sunday, March 08, 2009

On the Road Again

At 7:30 a.m. yesterday morning, the outside temperature registered 51 degrees and the forecast was for a high in the 60s. The kids and I donned our riding gear (o.k, I donned my riding gear, they ride in street clothes), loaded panniers and backpacks and set off for band practice and work.

We rode all of 2 blocks before Squidette proclaimed "we are definetely riding tomorrow." And then "I am so glad we didn't drive!"

Me too.

We had a lovely ride uptown and then Mike rode uptown to join us and we all rode home together, taking a detour to avoid all the "first nice day" recreation riders in Central Park.

This morning Squidette woke up feeling a bit under the weather but had chirped up enough by 10:00 to saddle up for a quick ride to the Manhattan Fairway Market.

I got to wait with the bikes while the kids and Mike went inside for provisions.

The greenway is now open from 125th Street to 135th (or so) making for a much nicer waiting spot then the parking lot.
The ride uptown was tough as we were fighting a serious headwind but the ride back was lovely. Until I went to put up Little Squid's bike.
Did I mention that I had to raise both their seats by at least an inch?

His is just barely fitting on the rack now. There is about 1 inch between the seat and the ceiling which does not bode well for the rest of the summer. The next time we raise his seat we will have to come up with other storage plans ... or have to lower the seat after every ride.

I think his legs must be longer then Squidette's were at this age. We never had this problem when she rode this bike.

Total weekend milage: 24.8 miles

YTD: 24.8 miles

Average: 12.4 over 2 rides.

Both kids are hoping for nice weather next weekend so we can do it again!

Friday, March 06, 2009

Tire Iron Fairy?

We all know that if you leave a tooth under your pillow, the tooth fairy comes and leaves money. What happens if you leave a set of tire irons under your pillow? Or a quick stick? Or ... both?

Squid bike tires are now pumped and ready to roll. This weekend is supposed to be lovely and we are looking to ride at least on Sunday and, perhaps, tomorrow.

I was prepping, in hopes of riding up to band practice tomorrow, when the valve on my front tire blew. Fifteen minutes or so later, with a little help from my spouse, I have a new tube in my tire. This was the first time I've changed a tube on my Bike Friday and the first time in many years that I've done any work on a bike. I am blessed with a husband who just takes charge of the tire issues. Tonight, however, I started on my own figuring that I should get my skills back since I hope to go back to riding every day. I need more practice. My tires are hard to get off the rim. And I snapped my thumb with a back firing tire iron. Ouch.

The tools wound up under a spare pillow because I tossed them on the bed and then tossed the pillow on top of them as I moved it off the floor.

With luck, Squid on Wheels 2009 starts tomorrow. Or maybe Sunday. Watch this space!

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Interview Time

After 6 months at my new school, it is finally time to interview for my job.

Yup, I've been an "interim acting Assistant Principal" since September.

Isn't "Interim Acting" redundant?

Tomorrow I interview for real.

New York City has a very interesting process for those who wish to become Principals and Assistant Principals. (Only read it if you have absolutely NOTHING else to do. Your head will start spinning pretty quickly.)

I should not be nervous. After all, I've been doing the job for 6 months now.

But I am. Nervous.

I should be knitting but instead I am waiting for my nails to dry.

I think I'll go hug my kids now.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Not Mini-me but yes, Oh My!

Remember this post? I'll wait. Go all the way to the end, please.

May I please brag again?

Little Squid,

in concert,

on stage,

at Carnegie Hall,

with the New York Pops,

Monday, April 27!!!

(Playing the flute.)

Excuse me while I kvell a bit.

And a bit more ...

Yeah, I'm just really proud.

Monday, March 02, 2009

Snow Day!

Says it all ... except ... why couldn't they announce it last night ... or before I got up and showered.

More later.

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Snow Day? Yeah, Right.

New York City does not readily close its schools.

The weather folk are predicting up to 12 inches of snow.

We are watching the news right now where the school closings are crawling across the bottom of the screen. Looks like the Arch Diocese has already closed all of the Catholic Schools in Queens. Will the Mayor close the public schools. Not likely.


Once, a very long time ago, we had a HUGE snow storm. Out in Queens, where I lived with my folks, we got 18 - 24 inches over night. The Mayor and Chancellor declared, from their posts in Manhattan and Downtown Brooklyn, that the streets were clear and schools were open.

From my apartment in Bayside we were looking at streets that had not even dreamed of a plow, let alone seen one.

In order to get to my high school in Manhattan (I was a student, not a teacher) I had to take a bus and two trains.

Did I mention that the streets in my neighborhood had not been plowed? And that there was at least 18 inches of snow on them? The buses were not running.

The District 25 school board overrode (?) the Chancellor and closed the schools in my neighborhood. My father informed me that there was no way I could get to school and I went back to sleep.

The Chancellor fired the District 25 school board.

New York City does not close schools.

I better go find my boots ...

Saturday, February 28, 2009


No, not that kind of cobblestone (tho that is the first paved street in NYC) but rather the sweater kind.

Cobblestone. Fall 2007 Interweave Knits. Size 7 needles and 5 skeins of Lion Brand Woolease. Time on needles: about 10 days. It was my New Hampshire travel project.

Yes, it is big. It was knit with (all mothers repeat after me) "room to grow." That's my story and I'm sticking with it! Really!

Guess what? Yup, we found my camera. Right after I had managed to justify buying a new one if it didn't appear by tomorrow. Mike had the brilliant idea of lifting the couch. And there it was. Despite my having looked under there several times. Either it was not actually there the first seven times I looked or, it was wedged between the cushions and finally worked it's way through. (Our couch has double recliners built in so if you stick your hand between the cushions you encounter floor. If you reach deep enough.)

Friday, February 27, 2009


I know that I've been missing in action. There was the post that never happened last weekend after we spent so much time walking all over lower Manhattan and taking pictures of historic places for Squidette's social studies project. I was going to post the whole project with added links but then my camera went missing ...

That prevented me from taking pictures of Little Squid's new sweater (10 days start to finish) ... please image an olive green Cobblestone pullover that is at least two years too big on the kid. Then imagine it already looking rather seedy after only 4 wearings. I'll never use woolease again. All I wanted was something easily washable that Little Squid did not have to worry too much about. Oh well.

There is also a pair of pink socks. Nice and thick and snuggly. Homepun, handdyed wool. Yum!

Then there is my cold. And my cold. And my cold. Going on and on and on. And on.

And my new computer -- a lovely new Lenovo. It's big and I like it. Nice bright screen for my aging eyes.

Then there is work. Today was the Senior - Faculty volley ball game. The Seniors won. 45 to 35. At one point they were leading by 20 points. Ouch! Yes, I played. No, I was not as bad as I feared I would be. Some of my serves actually scored points and I did manage to assist in returning the ball a few times.

And there you go. The high points of my life since I last checked in.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

February Break

It's mid-winter recess here in NYC and your friendly family Squid has been busy.

I desperately needed a break with the usual and so dragged my family up to New England to visit my sister for a few days. The last time we went there during the winter, my spouse came to realize, all by himself, just how close we pass to WEBS. At that time he promised that we could stop the next time we passed that way.

Fast forward two years ...



Oh, and we also played in the snow ...



And in the evenings, some quiet reading time ...


o m

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Oh So Warm!!!

Nomad Hat and Scarf from Interweave Knits Fall 2007.
Thanks to Kristen for blogging it and inspiring me to dig out the pattern. Now if the school yard is finally snow and ice free ... we can take the kids out again and I'll have nice warm ears. It's been a l-o-n-g 3 weeks of indoor lunch duty!

Also in this issue of Interweave Knits is the Cobblestone pullover which I am going to size down for Little Squid. It's my vacation knitting for mid-winter break.

Saturday, February 07, 2009


Squidette: "That's a reason I shouldn't go to Stuy. You'll just come up to me and randomly bother me."

Mike and Me simultaneously: "It won't be random!"

She's still floating. Had to tie a string to her ankle to keep her on the ground.

Friday, February 06, 2009


First there was Zedda Squid, Bronx High School of Science, Class of 1955.

Then there was Aunt Squid the Eldest, Hunter College High School, Class of 1980.

Then there were Mama and Papa Squid, Stuyvesant High School, Class of 1984.

Sibling followed sibling ...
Uncle Squid the Elder, Stuyvesant 1987
Uncle Squid the Next, Stuyvesant 1989
Uncle Squid the Third, Hunter 2000
Aunt Squid the Younger, Stuyvesant 2005

and now ...

presenting ...

for the Stuyvesant High School Class of 2013 ...


(She also made it into LaGuardia!!!)

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Food, Kids, Food and Clocks

The first food picture is really too disgusting to start a pleasant blog post with so instead, I present something easy on the eyes ...

Squidette and Little Squid in Concert.
Now that your eyes are rested and you've oohed and ah'd and wished you could hear them ... I will forever blind you with the first picture of ...
the Bacon Explosion.

Time to rest your eyes again with some apple turnovers.
Yes, that is a smiley face on the bottom one.
Piles of French toast -- but no snow!
Just a few pretzels ...
And more Bacon Explosion.

How about a Nixie Clock to calm your beating heart after all of that bacon?