Friday, July 06, 2007

Side Show

Bob! is who Squidette looks like this morning. She is unhappy that I am posting this but then I promised not to take her picture.

Yes, while we look a lot alike, she has fluffy hair and I have straight. This morning her hair is fluffier then usual.

Other then that, I have nothing for you. Mike and I were sloth-like in our behavior yesterday and after delivering the kids to camp by car (threat of rain and Squidette's first day) we ran some errands and hung out until it was time to retrieve the kids. Today will be similar.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Picnic on the Sheep Meadow

Yes, the Sheep Meadow in Central Park was once used for grazing sheep. Now, however, it is used for quiet recreation such as picnics and gentle games of catch, frisbee, etc. One group even brought their own cornhole set up.

We headed out with neighbors and feasted on pasta salad and cranberry muffins. Balls and disks were tossed around, ice cream was eaten (an smeared over small faces) and a good time was had by all.For your pleasure, the southern view from the middle of the Sheep Meadow.Happy 4th!

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Biking to Camp

Yesterday we discovered that there are bike racks right outside of Little Squid's "camp." So today, we rode him up there and figured out how to lock up his bike. Unfortunately for him, his bike has a quick release on the seat post and we are paranoid parents so he had to take the seat and post inside with him. Apparently this led to so many questions that he does not want to have to bring it in again. We did try to get a non-quick release but it turned out to be too small so we will bring the entire bike in to a shop on Thursday and find a solution. He did enjoy the ride and if Squidette is willing to oblige, this will be a regular way of getting to camp. Her program is 10 blocks from his so we will probably lock the bikes together by his program and walk her up to her program. She is due at her program later then he is and she gets out earlier so it works all around -- as long as a parent cycles with the violin on their back.

And so, if things go the way we would like, you will see the Squid on Wheels totals going up about 11 miles a day a few times a week. The adults are actually doing twice that -- if not more.

Meanwhile ... as we were heading home the first time, we spotted a baby bird on the ground. It kept flopping over and we could not figure out where its nest was so I scooped it up and put it in a tree box so it would not get stepped on. When we came back at the end of the day, the bird was gone from the tree box and all of a sudden we spotted this:see the nest poking out from behind the sign? What we first spotted were two baby birds being fed by mama on the other side of the sign but by the time I got my camera out, they had gone back into hiding.
These flowers were spotted "growing" along 19th street as we headed for ice cream sandwiches. Nothing worth writing home about but they were decent.
And then we have these -- Go With the Flow socks from Favorite Socks. No, I did not whip these up in record time, I started them a very long time ago.

There you have it. Knitting, biking and a bit of my neighborhood. Have a Happy 4th!

Monday, July 02, 2007

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Squid On Wheels -- In Queens!

Today we loaded up the car and took our bikes to Bayside. Usually when we go to Bayside, it is to spend time with my folks and siblings, often hanging out at the pool. That was the ultimate goal for today but first we decided to go for a little ride. (My apologies, my gps batteries died early in the trip so no map is available.)

First goal: see if all four bikes can fit in the cabin of our minivan. Check! Yup, 4 bikes, (3 folding, one Squidette sized non-folding) fit in the back of our Sienna. Cool!

Second goal: get out there before beach traffic has a chance to develop. Check! Out of the apartment by 9, car loaded by 9:15 and unloaded in Bayside by 10:00.

Third goal: find our way to Alley Pond Park via the greenway that runs behind my parent's apartment complex. Check! This is the first time that I got to take the kids on my old riding routes. Up until now we have either discovered new paths together or ridden on Mike's old routes. Today I had to lead. Yes!

Alley Pond Park. This is really it for the ride photos since we rode pretty much non-stop save this restroom stop.
We rode on the Vanderbilt Motor Parkway, one of the first concrete roads in the nation, now a part of the NYC greenway. Lovely ride through wooded areas.

Then, realizing that if we returned the way we came we would arrive at my folks' place later then expected, we took a more direct route back.

Lunch, swimming and tennis ensued and a good time was had by all. Except for poor younger sis who had to work. I kept her company while the kids swam and we traded gossip about our other siblings.Zedda and Little Squid.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Summer Projects

This is where I lay down what I intend to do this summer and you get to laugh at me. First up is my summer reading list:Yes, I have already read the Anne Frank, I want to reread it with an adult perspective. All of these were borrowed from the English Department bookroom hence the heavy duty bindings.

Then, my summer growing list:
Pumpkins. Don't laugh! My favorite Otter is also attempting to grow pumpkins in a container. Look! A tomato! First one of the season.Cucumber vines! Yes, I am aiming for chef's salad with my own cucumbers and tomatoes. Last year we managed a whole pasta dish with our tomatoes. Yummy!

Then we have the knitting which is somewhat constrained by the two Knit-alongs. First up, my first pair for the Summer of Socks.The Padded Footlets from Favorite Socks without the padding. Knit in Regia Silk, these fit Squidette's newly sized 7 feet. Save me from growing children, please!

Then the Tour de France knit-along. I signed up for the yellow jersey. I am making the Chevron Vest from the Summer 2007 Knitters Magazine from my handspun silk/merino/alpaca mix that I picked up at Rhinebeck back in October. Then there are all of the projects already in the queue. The Go With The Flow socks, also from Favorite Socks, a yellow baby sweater started so long ago that I do not even remember how old it is, my cobweb lace stole and a silk scarf that I started a few weeks ago. Oh, and the theoretical blanket that I started weaving on my Hazel Rose looms say ... two years ago? I started in again on this one earlier today and have two more triangles and a square to show for my efforts.

And the spinning ... the bamboo-silk from Susan and some very dirty alpaca that I started on the Journey Wheel after Dave went on about the awesomeness of actual spinning on the JW. Yes, it is awesome to spin on. No, I am not enjoying myself as much as I should since my fingers wind up BLACK during a session with this stuff. I will, however, see it to the end as it is only 4 ounces or so total. That project saw almost 2 hours of work today as I enjoyed myself with an audiobook out on the balcony with my plants.

And there you have it, my summer projects. Will I finish them all? And how many more will get started? And what about the painting?!

Friday, June 29, 2007

Que Serra Serra

After work today, I rushed downtown to meet the rest of the family at MOMA. Friday evenings are free so we decided that this would be a nice way to kick off the summer.Currently on display are the works of Richard Serra -- HUGE pieces of steel that defy imagination. Some of them I found really cool, like this one above and below, others made me wonder "why?"After getting our fill of Picasso, Mondrian, Kandinsky and others, we headed home. First, however, a stop at Myzel's where I met Camilla and got to purchase and eat some amazing chocolate. We chatted about art -- she agreed with us regarding certain works -- and made a new friend. If you are ever in the area, a visit here is a must. It is a small, family owned business and we will certainly do our best to keep them in business if we can figure out a way to ride there safely. (Camilla explained why Elk Candy went out of business. It is a sad story.)Heading home, we passed City Center and I got to show off my knowledge of its history as a Masonic Temple. The bottom picture shows a glimpse of its terra cotta covered dome. Not a pterodactyl covered dome. I read about this recently in a work of fiction and was amazed when I looked into its history. My pictures do not do the building justice. It is really lovely to look at.Now we are whiling away the evening and I am trying to get into vacation mode. Sadly, I forgot to do something, so I do have to swing by the school on Monday to finish up. Only about 5 minutes should be spent inside, so no big deal even tho I did obsess about it for most of the evening. And no, we do not have a new principal yet.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

While Mama's Away, the Squid Will Play

And while they were playing, they were thoughtful enough to provide me with blog fodder.

First (because that is how the pictures loaded and I am too tired to rearrange them) a tour of Central Park as seen from a row boat.

Bow Bridge with the Dakota (of John Lennon fame) in the background. The Dakota is the short building with the 3 dormers. Read through the link -- it has some really great information and much better photos.
A plethora of turtles.
The Plaza Hotel (of Eloise fame).
The San Remo Apartments. This is the building that many assume is the Ghostbusters building. In reality, that distinction goes to 55 Central Park West.


View of the ever famous Squidlings, attempting to row the boat.HeronPapa Squid rowing. (He was actually a very happy Squid and not as grim as he appears -- rowing is hard work!)

After rowing, a trip to FAO Schwarz was in order and the squidlings were free to choose something as a "hey, you did a great job in school this year" gift (NOT a reward.) They actually did not find anything they wanted here but did get some great LEGO photo ops. (A toy was procured at a less exclusive toy store further downtown.)Continuing on the way home, they stopped in at Myzel's to get cookies. Mike chatted with the owner and had a lovely conversation. She in turn gave the kids some chocolate. No, they didn't bring any home for me. (In their defense, it was in the 90s today so the chocolate would not have survived the walk home.)

And a great time was had by all. (Except Mama, who had to work.)

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The End is Near!

Last day for students and teachers today! Yea!!! I still have Thursday and Friday to clean up the bits and pieces that need to be squared away. Interesting how there is always more to be done then you think there is.

I've been up since 3:30 and am wired. I'm so wired that I knit an entire sock toe in the near dark -- by the light of my laptop. Now I am working on the heel flap to a sock I started too long ago to be considered a part of Summer of Socks. There will, however, be pictures later of my first finished pair for SOS.

Yesterday was kind of sad. At our end-of-year meeting, the usual departures were announced including the retirement of a woman who means a whole lot to me. Ms. W (not her real initial) took me under her wing when I started teaching and educated me in what it means to be a teacher. When you look up the words "model teacher," you'll find her picture. For the lasts 35 years students have passed through her classrooms and have emerged not only with a greater understanding of Biology, but with a greater understanding of life. Her standards were high and her students lived up to them because to not do so would be wrong. She has spent her entire adult life learning and teaching and those of us who have benefited from her wisdom will miss her.

Ms. W received a standing ovation from the faculty -- one that went on and on and on. And she i s worth every clap.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Birthday Meme!

I've been tagged by Isabelle for the Birthday Meme

The rules: You go to Wikipedia and type in your birthday (day and month). Then share 3 events, two births and one holiday.

3 events: 2 births
1 holiday
I'm tagging Elana, Susan, Cookie, Debby and Sarah

Sunday, June 24, 2007

George Washington Bridge

In an effort to avoid the crowds created by the festivities in our neighborhood today, we took off in a Northerly direction today. Our destination: New Jersey!

(We do not discriminate, we avoid all parades when possible!)

Last summer, Mike and I circumnavigated the lower Hudson using the path on the north side of the George Washington Bridge. We determined that this route was not kid friendly and so the squidlings had to wait until the southern path was reopened to "do" the bridge. This summer Mike and I will investigate the northern routes in Jersey and see if they are more child friendly.

Today we rode up to the Little Red Lighthouse and started up the Big Hill. Halfway up I found Papa grumpily staring at his chain -- which had broken. This is one of those times when knowing the theory and having the tools paid off. He managed to remove the broken links and reattach the chain. Riding was then possible despite the constant skipping due to the too short chain.

We finished mounting the hill and found our way to the bridge pretty easily.
Little Squid became temporarily stupid and forgot to use his gears so he wound up walking up the ramp to the bridge but he did get there ...
The G.W. bridge is essentially flat once you reach the road bed and personally I find it a much easier bridge then either the Brooklyn or Manhattan bridges. Look, they made it to New Jersey under their own power!

And, after pedaling past kayakers, and ruins (?)
and wonderful views (this photograph attests to my refound confidence as I took the camera out of my bag and snapped this photo while riding)there was a cooling dunk in the fountain.
21.6 miles with no real rest stops except for the chain repair. (A few quickies while the lead team waited for Little Squid and his accompanying parent but those were less then a minute each).