Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Warm Hands!

This morning I tricked my bike out with these babies. Moose Mitts!

The temperature outside was 41 degrees (Farenheit, if you care) but the wind chill brought it to about 25. On my legs I wore regular biking tights and wind pants (with handknit wool socks, of course). On top, a long sleeve base layer, a sweat shirt and a midweight bike jacket. On my head, a fleece balaclava (and helmet!) and on my hands, a pair of full-fingered bike gloves that are really the liners for a heavier glove.

As I pedaled up town, I immediately felt the difference. The wind was fairly strong but my hands were not feeling it at all. By the time I left Central Park, I had to remove the gloves and ride bare handed in the mitts.

I'm in love! I want to get them for all the bikes now so we can all ride in comfort.

The worst part of cold weather riding for me is the cold hands and cold ears. The balaclava solves the ears -- though I have a new set of ear muffs to try -- and now the Moose Mitts really solve the hands.

I can see needing a bit more coverage once the temps drop lower but the glove liners should do me to the low 30s or even lower.

Yup. I'm really in love here. Welcome to my wonderful world!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Prettiful Blanket

Need I say more?

(Yarn: Cascade 220, In progress for roughly 6 months.)

The Next Generation ...

"I have five pencils and two erasers. Is that enough?"

"Add a couple of pens."

"We're not allowed to use pens."

"Add a couple of pens."

"We're not allowed to use pens."

"Add a couple of pens."

Yup. She's nervous. If you are feeling generous, send lots of warm thoughts to all of the young people who will be standing outside in the cold and damp waiting to take the SHSAT today. Over the next few weekends, close to 40,000 8th graders will test for roughly 4,000 spots. Gulp!

That's what Squidette is up to today, accompanied by Papa Squid.

Little Squid and I are heading up to my school where he will audition for the borough-wide band (really just for his placement, he's guaranteed a spot) and I will clean a book room and my office.

Off to start the day!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Tour de ???

(On the left, Yankee Stadium. On the right, Yankee Stadium.)
(Left - Old, Right - New)

We were supposed to ride the Tour de Bronx today. We even started it. After waiting for 2 hours in the cold. Then, after a slow start, the Tour paused again. For at least 15 minutes.
(Waiting in the cold)

We looked at each other, shivering and shaking, and started to back track to the porta-potties we'd spied a quarter mile back . Shortly before reaching what turned out to be really disgusting porta potties (don't ask!) we discovered friends sitting, injured, on the ground. One was o.k., the other had been rear-ended and had chipped a tooth and injured her wrist. They arranged for transport, we waited on line for the above mentioned facilities and then did not use them (yeah, immagine the worst you can and then add excrement). Then we consulted a map and our GPS and made our way home after only 2.5 miles of the tour. It wasn't fun and it was not worth being unhappy.

We had a lovely ride home over the Third Avenue Bridge and across town on 125th Street and the kids agreed that they could indeed do a long ride in these temperatures provided that standing around for 2 hours and stop and go riding was not in the mix.
(Riding bundled up. It really was a glorious day to ride.)

After examining the situation -- when we were riding, Little Squid was leading our pack and quickly making his way to the front of the ride -- we have decided to forgo future rides like this, save perhaps the Tour de Brooklyn.

Our family pace is a bit faster then this kind of ride is geared for but still too slow for the longer ride that went with it (and started at the same time and hence subject to the same delays). There was nothing wrong with this ride, per se, except for the long delay in the start which leaving us shivering in the cold (The ride started almost an hour after scheduled). It just was not what we wanted today.

The ride home, in the glorious sunshine with no stops from 125th Street to 27th Street, was lovely and we were dressed quite appropriately for riding in temperatures in the high 40s. We all had balaclavas (nicknamed Baclavas) and the kids wore jackets purchased for me (over their fleeces). (Squidette wore my brand new riding jacket, Little Squid wore a rain jacket that turned out to be too short in sleeve for me but was never returned, I wore an old biking jacket of Mike's and Mike wore his own stuff.) We were all layered and everyone was shedding a layer or gloves or something before we reached home. Except for me. I'm always cold.

We are planning a ride for two weeks from today. Just us and some friends. If we can figure out a way to avoid the Marathon ...

Next weekend? The Specialized High School Admissions Test, Borough-wide band auditions and ... Apple Picking!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Tipping the Balance

When Mike was about to celebrate his twenty-first birthday, he stated, unequivocally that the probability of him remaining "under 20" was far greater then the probability of him being older then 21.

Well the birthday came and went and, indeed, he was older then 20. He continued to maintain his stance on this, well ... until right now.

Here we are, a scant 20 years later and the balance is about to tip the other way. Having just asked him about this, I can honestly say that he is no longer in denial.

I have to tell you, this insistence on taking a stance and sticking to it is one of the traits that (now) endears him to me.

Long time readers know just how much I love my husband. Just thinking about him brings a tear to my eye and a smile to my face. Even when I'm irked with him.

On his birthday we will "celebrate" by riding the Tour de Bronx.

So, if you happen to come across a large group of bikers tomorrow (in the Bronx, of course) shout out a Happy Birthday to Papa Squid. And say hi to the rest of us!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Shameless Begging

As you know, I recently started at a new (to me) school. This is a school with a whole lot of potential and ... no knitting club.

A few of the girls are knitting -- one of the nearby after school programs is teaching it -- which has set the stage. More want to learn. One of our teachers approached me about starting up a knitting club and I'm all ready to jump right in. Except ...

When I left my old school, I donated all of the supplies to the middle school in the same building. I had no place to store them over the summer and it was the only solution at the time. And it was a good one since I had no way to know where I would wind up and, if I would be able to start another club. The school that receive the supplies had an active knitting club and will use the materials well.

Well, here I am in a new place and the need for this kind of club is acute. The kids want a creative outlet and we can provide it -- it a little bit of help.

I plan on doing some shopping this weekend -- inexpensive needles and the cheapest yarn I can find. The teacher who approached me is doing some corporate level begging while I am doing it the "old fashioned" way. Reaching out to you, my readers.

If you have yarn that is looking for a new home or needles that you have set aside in favor of flashier ones ... we can provide a good place for them.

If you can help, please contact me via the email address in the sidebar and I will provide mailing information.

For all of your help in the past, and for anything that comes in now, I thank you!


As a general rule, I try to keep work out of the blog. Since this is not an anonymous endeavor, I have to be careful. My identity is out there -- as is the identity of my new school and the old one. There will be no stories of the kids -- I can't go there -- except to share things that make the news anyway (and only in a positive way).

Monday, October 13, 2008

You Know They are Growing ...

... when you actually have to think about if the jeans you just took from the dryer are hers ... or yours.

Makes sorting the laundry a tad more difficult. But not too much.

We have had a nice, quiet, 3 day weekend here in NYC. The first two days were sunny and warm and we did ... nothing. Barely even got out except to run some errands.

Except for Squidette. She had a mock test in preparation for the Specialized High School Admissions Test (SHSAT if you care). The test is in less then two weeks. Gulp! Lot of pressure when both of your parents and 5 of your 6 aunts and uncles and one grandparent went to specialized high schools (two schools between the 7 of us).

She also had an annoying project that required hourly recording over an entire day. We helped. I have no problem helping if I feel the project is unreasonable in its expectations and this one expected a 13 year old to be out doors for 8 hours recording the position of the sun using a homemade sundial. In New York City. Where you can't just leave the sundial and return every hour.

We fudged it -- used a windowsill on the east side of the apartment and the balcony on the west side. The teacher did say they could use a window if they absolutely had to.

This leads us to today where I declared "we are going for a ride!"

And we did.

It was so quiet on the paths and, even on the streets, that you almost forgot you were in New York.

We rode up to the Intrepid and then down and around the tip of the island, cutting across (from East to West) via the Greenmarket where we scored some leeks for tonight's dinner.

Pastries were also made but I misplaced my camera after documenting them. Oh well, blog fodder for tomorrow.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Projects, Projects, Projects

I've been a busy girl this week.

I finally procured the yarn that I need to finish the work on Squidette's blanket ... and am actually working on it.

I added a few inches to the fabric on the loom ...

And I did some dying.I was trying to go for a gradient from violet to burgundy with some black dyed for contrast but did not really succeed. Now I'm thinking that the burgundy and the black will make for a nice log cabin weave pattern ... after I finish all the merino pieces I have planed for the loom.

And there you have it. I do still knit and weave ... and duplicate stitch.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Synagogue Shuffle

Last night I persuaded my kids to join me for the Kol Nidre service (the service that starts Yom Kippor). It has been a few years since I last attended the evening service and I thought the kids might appreciate it now -- if not from a religious stand point then from a musical one.

This particular service is one of the most moving and most beautiful of the year and the melody to the Kol Nidre prayer is simply breathtaking when done well.

Fast forward to the end of the service, yes they appreciated it, particularly the parts played by the cellist. Yes, part of Kol Nidre was perfomed on the cello. Obviously we are not orthodox.

Between the start of the service and the Kol Nidre prayer, we were approached by the head usher who asked if Squidette or I could help out in the balcony* for 20 minutes or so -- they were short ushers. As we had Little Squid with us, Squidette agreed to go while I stayed in the sanctuary with Little Squid.

Squidette did not return. At some point I was informed that my daughter had opted to continue with her ushering duties upstairs so I sat back and let myself get into the rest of the service.

When the service ended, Little Squid and I waited for Squidette to come downstairs and, after waiting quite a while, we finally went upstairs to help her clean up and reshelve the prayer books.

As we finally made to leave I offered our services for the following morning (Squidette and I had ushered for Rosh Hashanah services both this year and last year) and our offer was enthusiastically accepted as they were not quite sure of the reliability of some of the volunteers. When we arrived this morning, the head usher decided that the three of us (Little Squid was along for the ride) would have the balcony all to ourselves. And so we did. With hundreds of congregants.

At one point this morning, Little Squid commented "It's like a real life Diner Dash," refering to how quickly we were finding seats for people (it was 45 minutes into the service and people kept coming) and handing out the prayer books.

What I discovered today is that my son is just like me. He thrives on this kind of thing. Even without breakfast.

Once again my kids made me proud. Squidette seated people on her own (it involved asking others to make way and asking if seats were occupied by people in the bathroom) and she held her own even though those she was working with out aged her by at least 20 years on average. One congregant came right up to me and praised her. Little Squid held his own when people tried to push past him when they should have stayed in the back (during certain parts of the service we do not seat people). Me? Well I showed how graceful I am when I missed two steps at the bottom of the balcony and took a magnificent spill, catching myself against the metal railing. I will have some nice bruises on my arm and side tomorrow and my foot is a bit stiff from the turn. But I'm o.k., really!

It was a good day and my caffine / no food headache is just about gone. That said, I will not fall asleep tonight because of the naps and late consumption of caffine.

* Our synogue used to be a movie theater and the seats in the balcony are still movie theater seats on steps (hence my ability to miss the two narrow ones at the bottom). For large services like on the high holy days congregants sit in the main sanctuary, the balcony and the auditorium adjacent to the sanctuary where the portable wall opens up so that people can see and hear. There are also services for newer members in the basement and the clergy moves between the services. Then there is the fact that we run early and late services that are identical. There are that many congregants and they are all "high holy day" Jews.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Battle to the Death

We recently restocked the apartment with the important things in life. Meat, milk, pasta, apples and M&Ms.

As I was happily scarfing down a handful, my ever knowledgeable husband steered me to this article.

Which led my children to do this ...

No, we're not weird ... really!

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Empty Needles

See those shiny things on top of the big yellow blob?

Yup, empty needles on top of completed knitting.

What? You want to see the knitting?

Be patient. There are still many ends to hide and much highlighting to be done.

Give me another month or so!

Thursday, October 02, 2008

She's Back!!!

As I rode downtown today I passed the usual sights -- Tavern on the Green, Metropolitan Hospital and the new sanitation facility. Then, as I cleared the cruise ship terminal, I saw it. And I cheered. Loudly. And pumped my arm in the air. And cheered again, and again!

The Intrepid is back after over a year's absence and we are happy. Mike saw it coming from the harbor -- his classroom has a good view of the lower river. Apparently he actually stopped his lesson so they could watch the Intrepid come home.

So, if you saw any of the news reports and saw a strange biker in the background in a bright yellow jacket fighting the wind and shouting. Yeah, that was me. I'm very happy that the Intrepid is back. The hole in my cityscape has been refilled.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

The Three Bears ...

When the kids were young, we spent hours and hours at the various playgrounds around town. My mother-in-law was a firm believer in getting out and about with the kids starting from infancy. Since she was our child care -- and frankly spent as much or even more time with them then we did -- what she said went (within reason -- but I never found anything out of reason).

One of her favorite spots to take them was the Three Bears Playground in Central Park. When they were tiny she'd sit on a bench and read while they people watched or slept and later, she would follow them around as they navigated the bears and other equipment on toddling legs. Later on, she would sit reading a book while they bounced around on their own.

Yesterday, after services and lunch with friends, we decided to walk across Central Park. As we entered at 79th Street we greeted our friends, The Three Bears. And then the kids decided that they needed to get more intimate with them.

The following pictures just make me smile. I hope they do the same for you. (And I have no idea who the other kid is -- she was just enjoying the bears.)

Monday, September 22, 2008


We seem to be over reentry. Yesterday 3 out of 4 squid were moody and 2 out of 4 squid were sick. This morning it was 2 out of 4 and 2 out of 4. Now it is just the 2 sick squid (Squidette and me, if you really need to know). We're getting back to normal. Slowly.

As I drove to work this morning, I realized that I had not knit a stitch yesterday. (Which I now realize was wrong -- I did 2 rows on my cobweb lace shawl while doing the laundry.) That aside, I did manage to warp my loom (direct warp, no winding first) and wove a few inches.
I think it will be part of a blanket. There are roughly 8 feet of lace weight merino on it at 10 epi. This stuff fulls very nicely and should make a nice light weight blanket.

Yes, this means that I have pictures working on my computer again -- I'm working under Linux for now and have promised to continue doing so as long as my machine has a windows partition for things like the tax program and Audible (for which there seems to be no Linux solution as of yet). For the last problem, I spent a bit more on my cell phone bill this month and just down loaded my next book directly to the phone. Took about 10 minutes and was actually less hassle then first putting it on the computer.

Now to put on my headset and do some weaving!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

And a Good Time Was Had By All ...

She did great.

I was asked, nay instructed, to provide pictures. The link is the best I can do for now as I am still computerly challenged. The originals are residing on Mike's machine until I 1. learn how to navigate my new Linux partition or 2. get new windows disks. We are waiting for friends and relative to email stuff to us and, of course, for the professional photos.

There were no major mishaps, only minor, easily fixed ones. Like getting two blocks from home and realizing that she was wearing the wrong earrings. As I said, minor and easily fixed.

As far as I can tell, Squidette did not make a single mistake in her torah or haftorah portions and, despite the fact that she was shaking like a leaf while waiting her turn, she looked calm and poised while chanting.

The girls danced in the socks we provided -- cute anklets secured at K Mart -- and despite her fears and worries about not knowing what to do at a party, Squidette had a great time.

We are now in recovery mode and I'm heading down to do the laundry. Back to real life ...

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Ironing! (Checked that the smudge on Mike's shirt is covered by tie and that Little Squid's Khaki's are still long enough.)
Matched my outfits with shoes and jewelry! (Wearing same pendant Friday as Squidette is wearing on Saturday. Unless the stuff Mom brings with her Saturday morning looks better.)
Bought backup hair monsters (octopus clips) for Squidette ... just in case.
Painted toenails!!! (Almost forgot this one. Good thing I put a reminder on my phone.)

Oh yeah, also did a run through of the services at synagogue with Rabbis and other family. Chose shoes for Friday based on the fact that I do not want to tower over the other mother. She's tiny.

Also went to work and did work-type stuff, including discovering that at least 20 of the new 8th grade science text books were bound upside down. D'oh! I'll call for exchanges once I finish figuring out how many are duds.

Got a call from a friend offering to take me out to the movies tonight. Really sweet! My to do list, however, was far to long ...

Mike got maintenance to come and fix the shower so we are no longer smelly squid. (O.k., we really weren't too smelly with only one day without showers but you get the idea.

No pictures because I have no computer ... yes, it is truly gone. New hard drive will be ordered soon. Thankfully any important documents created recently are all in google docs. Glad I started migrating over to that. Many pictures are on line in my Picasa album so not all were lost.

In other words ... I'm over my whine. But don't get me started on my auto insurance company ...

Whine ...

They are only minor annoyances, in the general scheme of things, but really! Do they all have to happen at the same time?

First the cold water tap in the bathtub / shower stripped. But it was still usable so we didn't call it in. When I suddenly needed a screwdriver to take my shower, yesterday, we decided that it might have progressed to "pretty important" but still not "get someone in here right now." Then Mike could not turn off the water after his shower and it became "get someone here tonight." And maintenance came. And when they left we had water restored to sink and toilet ... but not shower / tub. Did I mention that we only have one shower / tub?

Then my hard drive totally crashed. It had been giving hints for a week or so but I was in denial and did not back up. Yup. Lost everything and now have a very expensive brick.

Then this morning, while doing a trial "do" on Squidette this morning, the hair monster (clippy thing) that she was going to wear on Saturday, broke. $18 at Lord and Taylor. I'm not happy.

In the grand scheme of things, not horrible. Not even really bad. Just annoying. My cousin in Texas ... she was lucky, relatively minor damage but that's in comparison to what's around her. Now that folks, that's really bad and, for those that lost everything, horrible.

Let's just say that I am in a "mood" and will try to snap out of it. Maybe it's supposed to be this way? Lots of little things go awry now so that things will go smoothly this weekend?

What do you think?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Which One?

Once again, I appeal to my readers to help solve a conundrum. Which necklace should Squidette wear next week?Both have sentimental value. The one on top is mine and depicts a lion and lamb laying together. It was given to me by Mike and was designed by a good friend of ours. The one on the bottom is a locket that my mother-in-law used to wear frequently and carries a huge amount of sentiment for Squidette. That said, we are not sure that either is appropriate and are not sure that we've found the right "look." (The earrings were also her grandmother's but we never saw them worn. After trying on a dozen pair, we finally hit on just the right ones. Poor kid's ears are sore now.)
No, I have not even started figuring out my own jewelery beyond my rings (standard wedding and engagement and for sentiment's sake, my grandmother's) Yes, in the grand scheme of things, this means nothing but since I am not fussing about a party, this gives me something to do.)

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Looking to Tomorrow

Squidette just tried on her outfits for next week. Friggen kid grew!

Made a quick call to friend whose daughter was Bat Mitzvah'ed at the same synagogue. Her outfits were shorter. Phew!

Still have to knock off some of Saturday's to do list while accomplishing Sunday's list. Did I mention that I am beat? Spent much of Friday patrolling my new school. It exhausted me but it was a nice "did a good day's work" kind of exhaustion.

Just found a CD we've been looking for for several weeks. It was right where it should have been -- but it was the wrong color.

Hoping your To Do list gets shorter and shorter ...

To Do

Honest to goodness, this is the to do list that is currently on my Palm pilot for today. (Names have been changed to protect the innocent.) I will strike out the completed items, periodically, as I return home to drop of packages and such. It is almost entirely in preparation for next weekend.

Will it all get done?

Sat. Sept 13

To Do / Get

cake decorating store
back to school shopping - me! only got one outfit
Socks so the girls can shed their heels at the party -- got really funky ones
lip gloss she's growing up ...
water proof mascara yes, I'm a big sap
mousse to hold Squidette's hair in place
books The Great Gatsby in the correct edition for Squidette's English class
pay for bus just have to mail it
thank note
Little Squid haircut
stamps need many more for thank you notes
pay bills
iron Little Squid's shirts and khakis
hem Little Squid's suit pants obnoxious kid slimmed down! Hem is a little awkward because I made it really deep hoping to get a few more wearings out of it.
tell Little Squid not to grow for another 3 weeks - not until after Yom Kippur
CD's for car!!!
yea, like that's not going to happen
laundry and did some lace knitting while it dried
art essay
call Aunt re: cousin in TX left message, keeping fingers crossed


Whole Foods

Thursday, September 11, 2008

New School Year ...

... New School

Yes, I have a new job. I spent much of the summer looking and finally landed at the Academy of Environmental Sciences Secondary School. My placement was made official today. Yes, I am very happy. Yes, I plan on starting a knitting club just as soon as I get settled and after the Bat Mitzvah. Now I'm going to eat some more leftover birthday pie ...

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

And the Youngest Gets Older

Yes, another sappy birthday post. An open letter to my son on his birthday.

Dear Little Squid,

From the moment you entered our lives you filled our days with joy and laughter. From proclaiming "there must be squid around here somewhere," to losing the mitten from the hand holding your lunch box, to all your sweet, heartfelt hugs ... You are loving and kind and talented and oh, so smart.

Along with your sister, you make this family whole.
May this year bring you sunshine and happiness!

Happy Birthday, Little Squid!

(and Happy Birthday, Cousin Squid (pictured above in the arms of Little Squid))

Monday, September 08, 2008

How do You Manage ...

... to be a mother, work away from home, ride your bike, maintain a home and still knit? This question was posed by a loyal reader the other day and I thought I would share my answer with you.

Simply put, I don't cook and I don't clean. Except the kitchen after dinner. I pay someone else to clean my apartment (she does a much better job then I do) and Mike does most of the cooking. I do laundry once a week (usually, this week is an exception) and knit or spin while it is drying.

I bring simple knitting with me everywhere and use it to fill in wait time. Today I started turning a heel while waiting on line at Staples after gathering yet another load of school supplies for Little Squid. I finished it while waiting for Squidette to finish her Bat Mitzvah rehearsal.

That said, I did absolutely no knitting Friday, Saturday or Sunday this past week. Not a stitch. But I did finish warping my loom and wove a few inches. I also spent considerable time preparing for Sunday's bike ride and then spent all day riding on Sunday.

There you have it. Somehow it all gets done but you can see where my priorities lie.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Squid on Wheels -- The New York City Century 2008

Today was the 19th annual New York Century , A century, for those of you not in the know, is a 100 mile bike ride. The New York Century ride features five routes, ranging from 15 to 100 miles. This is the third time that Team Squid has participated in the ride and the furthest that we have ridden. We have now done the 35, 55 and 75 mile portions and no, we will not be doing the 100 next year -- we have an affair to attend that weekend , we'll try to find a different Century to ride -- maybe the Covered Bridges Metric Century in Lancaster.

I'd be lying if I said the ride was perfect. The kids got tired but were determined to finish. We offered to abort several times but they both insisted on continuing. Even after a bike fell on Squidette (she was sitting on the grass at a rest stop and my bike tipped over on her) she kept going.

Injuries were minor -- a branch scratched Little Squid's arm and I have some friction burns where my legs meet my saddle. (There is also some mild sunburn. Even our super duper sunblock can't beat 11 hours in the sun.)

Equipment malfunctions were non existent. 5 bikes (we had a friend riding with us), 10 tires and zero flats. Pretty amazing.

Now we are a bit sore, a tad tired but hey, we did it! 85 miles total including the ride to the subway to get to the start and the ride all the way home.

6:15 a.m. (Notice the new jerseys -- large Squid on the back, of course)Times Square -- about 7:00 a.m.

The Cyclone -- around 11:30 a.m.
The Kissena Park Velodrome (that's Little Squid on the track) -- around 1:00 p.m.
The Finish Line, 79 miles later -- about 5:00 p.m.

Honorary Squid -- He planned on riding the 35, maybe the 55, and stayed with us for the entire 75 (really 79).

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Squid on Wheels -- High Bridge and the Croton Aqueduct

Our intention was to ride at least 40 miles this weekend in preparation for next week. (Don't ask, you'll just call the wrath of Huricane Hannah down on us.) You know what they say about the best laid plans, don't you ... let it sufficce to say that Little Squid got a migraine just before we were supposed to leave on Sunday.

The day was spent, instead, experimenting with headache relieving pressure points (verdict: they kind of work, if only to distract the sufferer for a while) and then shopping for (Mama and Squidette) and then assembling some furniture for Little Squid's room. I also hid the ends on Squidette's shrug. We decided that blocking was a futile endeavor.

Monday dawned bright and sunny and we set out to log at least 20 miles (note, we only achieved 19 due to various frustrations including a water bottle bent on suicide and a flat tire).

We did, however, finally get to High Bridge Park and introduced the kids to the High Bridge water tower and the Croton Aqueduct / High Bridge. The links do a much better job of explaining the important history of this site than I can. To sum it up, the High Bridge / Croton Aqueduct was built in 1848 (making it the oldest surviving bridge in New York City). It had a most important function, destined as it was to carry fresh drinking water into a city plagued with fires and disease. Cholera was a big one back then. The path to the bridge has been renovated and the bridge is now undergoing repair. It is supposed to open, once again, to pedestrian and bike traffic in two or three years. One will then be able to walk / ride the length of the entire Croton trail from the lowest reservoir (42nd Street and 6th Avenue) to the highest (Croton, NY).
High Bridge as seen from the plaza by the water tower.

High Bridge as seen through the hole in the gate that blocks access.

Structure preventing access to the bridge.

The High Bridge Water Tower as seen from the entry to High Bridge.

Mike -- stuck between and rock and ... yup, you guessed it ... a hard place.

Monday, September 01, 2008


After carefully examining the suggested patterns, I decided to go with Icarus, as suggested by Cookie. It is reasonably solid and hence chaste enough to do what I need it to do in synagogue. I'll secure it with a hair stick, most likely so I am not futzing with it during services. One of the drawbacks of being the parent of the Bat Mitzvah girl is that I have to sit facing the congregation -- so everyone will see if I fidget.It is a small rendition of Icarus, only 36 inches on the diagonal and about 32 inches from center back to tip. Yarn is Artyarns Regal Silk, roughly a DK weight, in color 131. I bought 8 skeins and used 3 and a smidge. It took me a month to complete -- mainly because I had to rip it out from a much bigger place and then messed up picking up the stitches ... so I had to go back to the very beginning and restart.

Now I'm debating returning or weaving the rest. If I weave it at 8 epi then I can easily get a 20 inch wide shawl that is 5 feet long ... tempting. But first I have to hide the ends on and block Squidette's shrug. That'll occupy my loom space for a day or two.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Squid On Wheels -- 2008 Mileage Contest

It's that time of year again. Time to guess how many miles we Squid will ride by October 31, 2008. Current and past totals are posted in the sidebar.

Contest entries must be posted in the comments section to this post by 11:00 P.M. Saturday, September 6, 2008. Prizes include sock yarn, chocolate and assorted swag.

Remember, these are miles ridden as a family and do not count miles ridden by the adults alone. Mileage may include those ridden as one adult and two kids.

Contest is open to family members with the understanding that the prizes may be altered to suit the needs of the winner. Feel free to enter even if you do not knit.

Regular blogging, of a sort, should resume tomorrow.

That is all.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Let Them Eat Cake

The prototype ...

This, naturally, left us with a whole lot of cake. What to do? What to do?

First we hit all of the neighbors on our floor. Then we took the top layer to the lobby and sat for an hour and gave out cake.
It was fun. We made lots of people happy and now only have the two 9 inch layers to "dispose" of. (The remaining top layer is going to another family on our floor as soon as they get home.)

Now ... I think I need some cake ...

Ready ...

It's still 4 weeks away but we are getting ready. I may be in charge of the knit goods but that all pales in comparisson to what Mike is in charge of ...

the baked goods. This is the start of the trial run.

(That's a 16 inch cake next to two nines and an eight.)