Showing posts with label kids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kids. Show all posts

Saturday, February 07, 2009


Squidette: "That's a reason I shouldn't go to Stuy. You'll just come up to me and randomly bother me."

Mike and Me simultaneously: "It won't be random!"

She's still floating. Had to tie a string to her ankle to keep her on the ground.

Friday, February 06, 2009


First there was Zedda Squid, Bronx High School of Science, Class of 1955.

Then there was Aunt Squid the Eldest, Hunter College High School, Class of 1980.

Then there were Mama and Papa Squid, Stuyvesant High School, Class of 1984.

Sibling followed sibling ...
Uncle Squid the Elder, Stuyvesant 1987
Uncle Squid the Next, Stuyvesant 1989
Uncle Squid the Third, Hunter 2000
Aunt Squid the Younger, Stuyvesant 2005

and now ...

presenting ...

for the Stuyvesant High School Class of 2013 ...


(She also made it into LaGuardia!!!)

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Food, Kids, Food and Clocks

The first food picture is really too disgusting to start a pleasant blog post with so instead, I present something easy on the eyes ...

Squidette and Little Squid in Concert.
Now that your eyes are rested and you've oohed and ah'd and wished you could hear them ... I will forever blind you with the first picture of ...
the Bacon Explosion.

Time to rest your eyes again with some apple turnovers.
Yes, that is a smiley face on the bottom one.
Piles of French toast -- but no snow!
Just a few pretzels ...
And more Bacon Explosion.

How about a Nixie Clock to calm your beating heart after all of that bacon?

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Heart and Phone Breaking

Today was a heartbreaking day. It was also a phone breaking day as I took out some frustrations on my desk phone.

It still works.

After a fashion.

Made my boss laugh ...

That's all I can say about that.

Except ... if you are a parent ... go hug your kids! Please!!! Pretty Please!!!

Make sure they know you love them.


I'll wait.

Actually I won't wait ... but I'll return another day and show you the massive pile of HotSnapz that arrived yesterday. I'm using one right now. And two kept my hands nice and warm during yard duty. After which I managed to burst one. Oops. Good thing I ordered lots.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

A Blanket, Some Mittens and Some Rambling

I've been a busy girl, as is evident from my lack of posting.

Last Saturday night we went to the Opera (The Queen of Spades) and on Sunday Little Squid got his post opera migraine. Which continued into Monday, netting me a half day off of work. When I returned home with Little Squid (he was at work with me until I realized that this migraine was not going away), I decided to tackle the woven squares I'd worked up over the years.

I organized and placed and sorted and, with Little Squid's final approval, started sewing them together. The status as of this post is:

It still needs a final border of the brown blocks -- need to weave 24 more of them -- and several yards more of the jewel green tape. Little Squid is weaving the tape on his inkle loom. For the time being, however, it is serving it's intended purpose as a second couch blanket. One blanket doesn't cut it when you are snuggling with a large child in the middle of a cold winter night.

Then there are the mittens. Knit over the holiday weekend to replace Little Squid's battered bumble bee stripe mittens. They are double knit and, when same color out, the elephants are supposed to be on the back of the hands.

There's been other stuff going on. And all of it takes the form of fantastic blog posts. In my head. As I ride home from work. Yup. Still riding. Managed 2.5 days (5 trips) last week. and 8 trips the week before.

Tomorrow the temperature at 6:30 a.m. is supposed to be 18 degrees.

I might drive.


My comforter has been back on my bed for a few weeks now and I must say, snuggling under it after getting throughly chilled at work and on the ride home (can you say "double period yard duty?") has been a wonderful experience. My bedroom is finally a haven again, except for the occasional nasty dream about my former "room mates."


Have I mentioned that I love my job again? My staff is fantastic, as are most of the kids. At my old school the goal really seemed to be to take a good school and make it better. Here ... well let's just say that we're not on anyone's top ten list. There's good, honest work to be done and people who can envision the end result. Kids are knitting and crocheting all over the school and that is only making our job easier. Thank you to all who have made this possible!!!

Monday, November 17, 2008


Mike purchased the Instructables book last weekend and the kids immediately got busy making magic wands.

Paper, hot glue and paint (spray and acrylic).


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Still Alive and Kicking

I compose brilliant blog posts. Full of details about New York, my kids and my school fill these posts. The posts themselves, however, are composed while I bike to or from school and never make it into the computer. By the time I arrive home, most evenings, I have barely enough time to change out of my biking gear before dinner is served. Then talking to the kids and Mike and general unwinding take priority. And before you know it, it's bed time.

I used to post in the mornings, before going to work. These days, however, I am leaving the house around 6:30 a.m. and am only awake for a mere hour before climbing on my trusty bike and pedaling into the sunrise.

All that is a long winded way of saying I'm sorry and I'll try to post more often.

Today I give you a catch-up post in pictures.

A couple of weeks ago there was apple picking with this lovely specimen. We put pants on it to emphasize the resemblance to a part of our anatomy.
Then there was a rather important bit of elephant surgery. We called it a hat-ectomy. Dumbo's original hat was in tatters so Little Squid crafted a new one and I added snaps to Dumbo's head so we could change hats if we so desire.

There has been some weaving. This one is making me really happy! it is my first real excursion into color and pattern play. It is not coming out as I envisioned it from the draft but this is a good thing as it is coming out even better!
Then there is my shawl. It is the Danish Tie-Shawl from Spin-off Spring 2008. The yarn is home, spindle-spun from Blue Moon roving purchased at Rhienbeck two or three years ago. The yarn has been aging in the stash until just the right pattern came along.
The edging will take a little bit of time to finish ...
There has been more. I finally did my back to school shopping and, thanks to mom, netted four, yup FOUR, long sleeve white shirts. Please don't faint. I had ... wait for it ... zero long sleeve white shirts. One short sleeve, one three-quarter sleeve but no long sleeve white shirts. Now I have four. Until I spill something on them.

Upcoming events include a work "retreat" this weekend. I might be able to finish Little Squid's latest pair of socks since someone else is driving. Squidette still has school interviews and auditions in two weeks but seems to be less stressed then she was before the SHSAT. Little Squid is practicing 3 instruments right now, two in preparation for a camp audition several weeks away.

And there you go, all caught up.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Squid on Wheels: Contest Winner!

And the October 31 mileage was ...

745 miles. Exactly the same as last year!

So, the winner is ... Ikkinlala!

Congratulations! If you send me your snail mail address and favorite color I will put together a prize package.


Now that that's taken care of ... we actually did some riding yesterday. It was a balmy 51 degrees in the morning and I managed to convince the kids to ride up to band practice instead of my driving them up. The ride is an easy one -- at least for me. The boro-wide band practices in my school building, so it is a ride I've been doing 3-5 times per week lately.

While there, they played and I continued cleaning up a bookroom so I can clear the textbooks out of my office. Then we all rode to the west side to check out a newly opened piece of park and Mike rode up to join us there.

The ride home was glorious! We rode from 130th Street to 26th without stopping once! No traffic lights, no crowds of pedestrians. It was great!

14.5 miles

And the kids? They both got first seat in their instruments and Little Squid was told that he could do the Pops program this year in flute and then next year in oboe once he has a year of it under his belt. Squidette was invited to do the Pops program again even though it is supposed to be a single year thing. Way cool!

Saturday, November 01, 2008


Once again it is time to reveal the annual Halloween Costumes.

May I submit for your approval, Hermione and The Swedish Chef.

And ... Elwood Blues.

Needless to say, a good time was had by all.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Prettiful Blanket

Need I say more?

(Yarn: Cascade 220, In progress for roughly 6 months.)

The Next Generation ...

"I have five pencils and two erasers. Is that enough?"

"Add a couple of pens."

"We're not allowed to use pens."

"Add a couple of pens."

"We're not allowed to use pens."

"Add a couple of pens."

Yup. She's nervous. If you are feeling generous, send lots of warm thoughts to all of the young people who will be standing outside in the cold and damp waiting to take the SHSAT today. Over the next few weekends, close to 40,000 8th graders will test for roughly 4,000 spots. Gulp!

That's what Squidette is up to today, accompanied by Papa Squid.

Little Squid and I are heading up to my school where he will audition for the borough-wide band (really just for his placement, he's guaranteed a spot) and I will clean a book room and my office.

Off to start the day!

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

The Three Bears ...

When the kids were young, we spent hours and hours at the various playgrounds around town. My mother-in-law was a firm believer in getting out and about with the kids starting from infancy. Since she was our child care -- and frankly spent as much or even more time with them then we did -- what she said went (within reason -- but I never found anything out of reason).

One of her favorite spots to take them was the Three Bears Playground in Central Park. When they were tiny she'd sit on a bench and read while they people watched or slept and later, she would follow them around as they navigated the bears and other equipment on toddling legs. Later on, she would sit reading a book while they bounced around on their own.

Yesterday, after services and lunch with friends, we decided to walk across Central Park. As we entered at 79th Street we greeted our friends, The Three Bears. And then the kids decided that they needed to get more intimate with them.

The following pictures just make me smile. I hope they do the same for you. (And I have no idea who the other kid is -- she was just enjoying the bears.)

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Looking to Tomorrow

Squidette just tried on her outfits for next week. Friggen kid grew!

Made a quick call to friend whose daughter was Bat Mitzvah'ed at the same synagogue. Her outfits were shorter. Phew!

Still have to knock off some of Saturday's to do list while accomplishing Sunday's list. Did I mention that I am beat? Spent much of Friday patrolling my new school. It exhausted me but it was a nice "did a good day's work" kind of exhaustion.

Just found a CD we've been looking for for several weeks. It was right where it should have been -- but it was the wrong color.

Hoping your To Do list gets shorter and shorter ...

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

And the Youngest Gets Older

Yes, another sappy birthday post. An open letter to my son on his birthday.

Dear Little Squid,

From the moment you entered our lives you filled our days with joy and laughter. From proclaiming "there must be squid around here somewhere," to losing the mitten from the hand holding your lunch box, to all your sweet, heartfelt hugs ... You are loving and kind and talented and oh, so smart.

Along with your sister, you make this family whole.
May this year bring you sunshine and happiness!

Happy Birthday, Little Squid!

(and Happy Birthday, Cousin Squid (pictured above in the arms of Little Squid))

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Squid on Wheels -- High Bridge and the Croton Aqueduct

Our intention was to ride at least 40 miles this weekend in preparation for next week. (Don't ask, you'll just call the wrath of Huricane Hannah down on us.) You know what they say about the best laid plans, don't you ... let it sufficce to say that Little Squid got a migraine just before we were supposed to leave on Sunday.

The day was spent, instead, experimenting with headache relieving pressure points (verdict: they kind of work, if only to distract the sufferer for a while) and then shopping for (Mama and Squidette) and then assembling some furniture for Little Squid's room. I also hid the ends on Squidette's shrug. We decided that blocking was a futile endeavor.

Monday dawned bright and sunny and we set out to log at least 20 miles (note, we only achieved 19 due to various frustrations including a water bottle bent on suicide and a flat tire).

We did, however, finally get to High Bridge Park and introduced the kids to the High Bridge water tower and the Croton Aqueduct / High Bridge. The links do a much better job of explaining the important history of this site than I can. To sum it up, the High Bridge / Croton Aqueduct was built in 1848 (making it the oldest surviving bridge in New York City). It had a most important function, destined as it was to carry fresh drinking water into a city plagued with fires and disease. Cholera was a big one back then. The path to the bridge has been renovated and the bridge is now undergoing repair. It is supposed to open, once again, to pedestrian and bike traffic in two or three years. One will then be able to walk / ride the length of the entire Croton trail from the lowest reservoir (42nd Street and 6th Avenue) to the highest (Croton, NY).
High Bridge as seen from the plaza by the water tower.

High Bridge as seen through the hole in the gate that blocks access.

Structure preventing access to the bridge.

The High Bridge Water Tower as seen from the entry to High Bridge.

Mike -- stuck between and rock and ... yup, you guessed it ... a hard place.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Squid on Wheels-- Riding in the Rain

I've been wanting to do a Coney Island ride for several weeks now and so, this week, I set my mind to do it. Saturday was the perfect summer day, relatively cool, clear blue skies, no wind ... but I had a very tired kid due to a camp overnight. So Saturday was relegated to running some local errands and doing laundry. I also did some spinning ...
Bamboo Silk top that Susan sent me about a year ago. The one on the left is actually a pale blue and is what I was spinning (and not all of it, just the last few grams). The green has been spun up for a month or so.

Sunday "dawned" with a bang -- rather a clap, of thunder -- and it poured until shortly before the kids woke up. I was determined, however, to get out for a ride, no matter what the weather people said. I listened to all of the reports and decided to believe the one that said "no more storms until late afternoon."

And off we rode. Coney Island was out, because even I am not that stupid, and instead we did a basic breakfast ride to the Red Hook Fairway's and did a spot of geocaching a pier over.Then, out to Ikea for chocolate and cinnamon buns, and then we started home.

First we encountered a motorist who felt that we should not be taking up a lane of traffic with our bikes, "you (explicative deleted) have two children with you!" he shouted at us. Please note two things: one, we are entitled to an entire lane, by law, and were only taking the right hand side of it, except when dodging potholes, and two, the squidlings are, as you know, quite accomplished and savvy in the ways of city cycling. Mike yelled back a bit and we continued on our way.

At the base of the Brooklyn Bridge, Mike asked us to "pick a bridge and a way to get there." I picked the Williamsburg Bridge and took out the map to figure out how to get there.

Please note, we were at the base of the Brooklyn Bridge which meant that it's bike entrance was only a few blocks away, as was the entrance to the Manhattan Bridge path. The Willamsburg Bridge ... we that was a mile or so away ... Yes, I was trying to stretch the ride and make it more interesting.

Interesting it was as we wended our way through Williamsburg ...

Nice quite streets.And then the thunder started. Actually it started while we were still at the base of the Brooklyn Bridge. I was still in denial and the rest of the family was willing to buy into my delusion.

As we passed under the Manhattan Bridge, it started to drizzle. As we continued North, it became a steady rain. Finally, in desperation -- the water kept blinding me -- we pulled over into the shelter of a gas station until it let up. Pedaled another mile or so, sheltered under a highway and then finally got to and crossed the Williamsburg Bridge without another drop.

20 miles. Not bad for a rainy day.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Crazy Hair -- 2008

You may remember last year's Crazy Hair day at the Manhattan School of Music. If not, go take a quick peek, I'll wait.

Not bad? It did not, however, win her the competition. So, for this year, poor Mama got up at 5:30 a.m. and created this:
She did place much higher in the standings but lost to someone with a funny green wig with stuff in it.

Yes, it did wash out. Mostly. The color is gone but some of the silver sparklies remain, even after 2 shampooings. Hopefully they mostly shook out in her sleep.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Tour de France -- Intermediate Sprint

The officials over at the Tour de France Knit Along headquarters have declared a sprint. We cyclists / knitters are supposed to make our case for either: why our project qualifies as related, our cycling history or, our love of France.

My knitting choice is actually obvious. I am knitting short socks for cycling with a bicycle motif on them. And, after my redo, I am definitely sprinting to get them done by the end of the Tour.

As for France ... well, my memories of it are not the greatest so I'll go for the second option and focus on cycling.

Long time readers of this blog might remember when we first became "Squid of Wheels" two years ago. Squidette had just moved from a mountain type kids bike to a small road bike. Little Squid was now riding Squidette's hand-me-down (gee, sounds a lot like this post).

It was then that our kids decided that they like riding, and liked riding distances. I liked seeing my kids challenge themselves and gain pride in their physical accomplishments. We are all over the mental feats around here, but the physical is often left a little on the side.

That first year each mile stone was cause for celebration. The first organized tour, the first trip across the Brooklyn Bridge, and the first loop of Central Park.

That year we rode almost 500 miles, including a season ending finale of 44 in the New York Century.

The next year we rode almost 750 miles, including a season ending 66 with rides in several states, including Kentucky, Ohio and Indiana.

This year? We are already up to 314 ...

We've ridden across the Hudson River as well as the Ohio. We've ridden in Indiana, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Ohio, West Virginia and, of course, New York.

The Brooklyn Bridge is an old friend.

Our favorite stop is for Jaques Torres chocolate though the Brooklyn Fairway's for breakfast and Brooklyn's new Ikea for lunch are in close contention.

I tend to ride at the back of the pack, the Mama Duck position as I like to think of it. From there I get to watch the kids' legs and am the first to realize when it is time to raise a seat. I get to secretly smile with pride at how well they do and revel in the simple joy of being a family doing something we all enjoy. I get to think about how lucky I am ... and then I realize that in all of my wool gathering, they've gotten three blocks ahead of me. And I sprint to catch up.

And so, for my Intermediate Sprint, I remind you all, that we are Squid on Wheels. Tune in again to see where we go!

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

R i i i p p p

It was while watching today's time trials that I finally came out of a Tour induced stupor and realized that if getting the sock over my heel was a struggle, then I probably was not going to wear the socks. I knit a few more rows after switching to a larger needle and then finally caved in and ripped it back. Time to start over.

Mike and Squidette are at a "all about the Performing Arts High Schools" seminar and Little Squid and I are home enjoying a quiet evening. After I finish this post, I will put on my audiobook and get down to some sprint knitting.

No knit finishing today. Instead, we finally managed to get a maintenance worker up to repair our broken towel rod and toilet paper holder. Not their fault. The towel rod has been broken for over a year ... we just never got around to calling to have it fixed. The toilet paper holder fell off the wall last week and broke in two. That was a problem.

Mike and I did take a short walk and spotted this sign. This place apparently makes the best tuna fish sandwiches in the city.
KnittyOtter asked when I was going to show off our summer egg creams ... well, they are tricky to photograph since they disappear so fast ... but maybe Thursday. I'll even share the sacrilege of our newest invention, the Ginger enhanced Egg Cream.
Lastly ... we passed the 300 mile mark today for family biking. We are putting on 11.5 miles every time the kids agree to ride to camp and have done 3 camp rides so far. Technically, Little Squid does 10.5 and Squidette does 11.5 if he decides to go straight home and not while away the hour between their ending times. However ... Squidette owes the family 22 miles for a couple of rides that we did without her and did not put in the over all totals. So ... we are crediting Little Squid with Squidette's extra mile per day -- which he does sometimes ride. All in all, we figure that it will even out in the long run.