Thursday, June 07, 2007

Recursives in Squidland

Remember when I teased you with this picture?

No? Really?

How about when I kept mentioning a mystery project and promising to reveal it any day?

Not that either, huh?

Well that's because I was asked to make a very special, secret project that Papa Squid would then reveal in his classes. Unfortunately he never got around to it, despite my nagging.

So, after all that, I am finally revealing the secret project. Current Stuyvesant High School students are asked to swear an oath of secrecy and state that you will never reveal what you are about to see to any student in Z's classes next year. Let them mine this blog all by themselves or rather, be surprised when the items below are finally revealed.

And so, after putting enough words to fill in the space so that the secret has to be scrolled down to ... I give you ...

A sock puppet.
And the sock puppet's sock puppet.

And the sock puppet's puppet's puppet.
Rear view. Yes, they have heels.Have I mentioned how much I love my husband. That I would do this for him? True love, I tell you, true, everlasting love!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Prom Season

I was asked to the Prom! My dearest boyfriend called me at work and stuttered and stammered his way through an invitation. It seems that the dear boy never invited anyone to a prom before and that is fitting, because I've never been invited to one. Asked if I was going, yes, invited? no.

Seems dear Papa Squid was asked to chaperone his school's prom. Since his school is our high school alma mater, I can now honestly say that I was invited to my high school prom. And I'm going.

Childcare was briefly a problem since our main evening babysitter is the one who submitted Mike's name as a chaperone -- which means that she is going to the prom. We solved it, however, without resorting to her younger sister.

I am looking forward to this. His responsibilities are fairly simple and so for the cost of one prom ticket, this Saturday night I finally get to the Prom!

I have nothing against Proms but I was not in the "prom going" crowd as a teen and so I did not go. As a teacher, I have never been asked to chaperone.
Squidette's science fair was very nice. I found the "lessons learned" section of some of the boards to be hilarious. One of them was "don't let your younger sister care for the plants, she'll rip the leaves off." Another, "this experiment was interrupted when rats ate the plants." And my favorite line (paraphrased) from an experiment testing bacteria levels in subway stations (truly a NYC experiment), "we expected the station in the Bronx to have the highest levels of bacteria since the Bronx is the foulest of the boroughs." (or something like that) (All subway stations had the same levels of bacteria -- no, I did not actually read how they tested it. I skipped right to the conclusions on most of the boards to get a sense of what they learned -- always the teacher!)

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Lace on a Balcony

Look! I have been knitting!The colors are better in the blurry picture but the clear one gives a better sense of the lace. I am nearing the end of the first ball of silk which means that I have about 3 or 4 weeks before I have to have the third ball plyed and ready to go. The piece now measures 14 cm (5.5 inches) and I expect to make absolutely no progress on it again until Thursday.

On the "let's keep June" hectic front, it turns out the Squidette's group qualified for the Science Fair, which is tonight, overlapping my own Senior Awards ceremony. I've figured out how to do this -- it involves making sure that I am put on late on the list of presenters at my school (for Health, Phys. Ed and my Scholars program). Then I can run down to Squidette's school, ooh and ahh over the projects, grab the kid and scurry back to my own school for the last 1.5 hours of awards. Yup, I expect to only miss half an hour of it. If I keep this up for the entire month, just how hard am I going to crash on June 30?

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Tour de Brooklyn

Go Brooklyn! As a New Yorker, I have a natural affinity for Brooklyn even though I was mostly raised in Queens. Queens is very large and every neighborhood is very different so it does have it's charms but Brooklyn is ... well, Brooklyn. Home to the Cyclone and Coney Island. The Brooklyn Dodgers and U Bet Syrup. Junior's Cheesecake and Ebingers Blackout Cake. Prospect Park and Green-Wood Cemetery.

Last year we rode in the 2nd annual Tour de Brooklyn and it was good. Not, however, as good as this year. In 2006 we were in the early stages of becoming Team Squid. Now we are a fully formed cycling squad and have our routines down pat. Schmeared with sunblock and donning sunglasses (and regular glasses that darken in the sun) we loaded the bikes. We now allways ride with a small first aid kit (our umbrella against minor wounds) and my knitting (the umbrella against major wounds). Four out of seven water bottles hold Accelerade on long rides (the other three hold water), and we have muffins, banana bread and granola bars in a panier (saddle bag). The only thing we lacked this time was toilet paper. Note to self -- toss a partial roll into the panier.

How does a properly equipped team of Squid get to the 3rd annual Tour de Brooklyn? They ride, of course! Thus upping the total mileage for the day to ... 35 miles.
Riding newly minted bike paths in Manhattan, we headed over the Brooklyn Bridge to Grand Army Plaza where we signed in and waited to ride. The wait was pleasant as we chatted with other bikers and compared bikes and sob stories about the 5 Boro Bike Tour. In the warm, balmy air we got rolling around 9:30 or so and after 10 miles, rolled into the rest stop around 10:30. We stopped once for about 10 minutes while the police cleared the streets ahead of us. No walking of the bikes, just solid riding. Sweet! After a brief rest and some bananas and PB and J, we rolled again and were in the saddle pretty consistently until we returned to Prospect Park.

Since we were rolling for almost the entire time, there is a paucity of photographs. What there is can be found here.

All in all, a very good day.

Quiet Morning

It is quiet here this morning. Papa is not working out, so the whirr of the trainer didn't wake us all up. I got up a regular school time leaving a sleeping Papa in bed. Little Squid wandered out as I was getting my tea and set himself up on the couch -- and promptly fell back to sleep. Squidette is still asleep. Just came out.

All that is about to change. Papa is up now and fussing around the kitchen. It is only a matter of time before the news goes on and we all get ready for the Tour de Brooklyn. See you all when we return!

Saturday, June 02, 2007

3 Concerts, a Dance Perfomance and a Present!

It has been a busy week here at Chez Squid. On Wednesday, Squidette made her debut as first clarinet/concert mistress for the grade 6 A band. On Thursday, Little Squid made his concert debut on the flute in the 4th grade band and Squidette helped to beef up the 6 B band (it's smaller then the 6 A band and needed a few more players). Friday saw Little Squid strutting his stuff in this school's annual NDI performance. The dance totally suited Little Squid's frentic nature. Pre and post dance events also allayed any concerns I had about him being too introverted. As soon as we got to venue he took off after his friends in a manner that I can only describe as "totally boy." Today we caught him emailing a girl! My mother-in-law would be happy -- the girl is Jewish. *g* Hey, he's known her since age 4. Think this could go somewhere?

After returning from our late evening -- had to get dinner with friends after the performance -- I found a huge box on my doorstep. Inside were all these goodies from Sprite!
Yummy fudge and chocolate covered pretzels and candy and fuzzies and girly stuff and ... lots and lots of stuff. Some of it has been distributed to the shorter Squid ...
and some has been set aside for me! Thank you Sprite!!!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Dogs Not Allowed

While riding on Monday, we spotted several signs like this one. Um ... what lawn?
This was a breakfast ride, up to Fairway to get muffins and scones and then back toward home with stops in some newly opened sections of the Hudson River Park.

Just North of the Cruise Ship terminal, we found this.

We also found some tables on which to enjoy these. Yum! Like our tablecloth?South of the terminal we got a good view of the sole Manhattan docked participant of Fleet Week. Not sure why there are not more ships but it may have something to do with the Intrepid being out of town for repairs. The rest were in Brooklyn.

Just south of the ship terminal we discovered this wonderful public area. Water toys to play with,

and fountains to frolic in. We see this one as a good cooling stop on our way home from a long ride.

We also discovered this, a prototype to a raft that is being built with the aim of sailing the Atlantic. Sharp-eyed (usually oblivious) Little Squid spotted this gargoyle in a small garden. We like gargoyles!

Next up, three concerts and a dance performance! And ... Mama Squid gets invited to the Prom!!!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

You Can't Buy Time

As the school year winds to a close I find myself being asked the eternal question: "Are you working summer school."

The answer, a simple "No."

The reason?

You can't buy time.

If I work during the summer, I earn more money but I don't see my husband

And I don't see my kids.

You Can't Buy Time

If I don't work I can take my kids to camp 5 days a week for 5 weeks.

Then I can spend the daytime hours with my spouse.

You Can't Buy Time

We can paint the apartment.

We can take long walks.

We can enjoy each others company.

You Can't Buy Time

In the evenings we can retrieve the kids and take long bike rides in everlasting summer days.

We can go for ice cream and listen to each other.

You Can't Buy Time

When camp is done we can travel and explore.

We can camp and we can visit.

We can be a family.

You Can't Buy Time

... And a Birthday

How do you make your Mom cry? Well first you get your baby brother married. Then you and your sibs surprise her with a birthday cake. Then the sibs revise a poem written by Dad for all of us and turn it into a Mom-specific poem. Finally, you put up sappy posts about your brother's wedding.
Happy Birthday Mom!

Monday, May 28, 2007

Bring on the Chupah

The following is a collection of pictures from the wedding. Only Squid and Squid siblings / parents are shown here to protect the innocent. There will be one more wedding related post and then you will be returned to your regularly scheduled knitting/family/biking blog. In future posts you can look forward to not one but two one skein wonders, an apartment in a bottle and the Hudson River Conservancy thinking that the river is a lawn.

Meanwhile I return you to my brother's wedding where you get to see how well the Squid clean up.

After a day of hard play, we all bathed and dressed and otherwise got ready.
Some of us had to repeat the process a few times. Little Squid was buttoned up for the pictures and as soon as we were done he unbuttoned the jacket ... and his shirt was untucked again. Like father, like son.Some of us found our toe nails being painted at the very last minute. Oops! Yet others needed a prenuptual drink. Or maybe some cereal.Look, all of my siblings at once! The man of the hour is in the middle. We are not, by the way, in age order. I'm not revealing where I fall in the mix but I am not the eldest.
Mother of the Groom. Doesn't Mom look great? Saw 5 kids through their teens and hasn't aged a bit. (We'll have some more on her tomorrow. Tee Hee!)

Got Little Squid on the dance floor ... his comment "o.k., you got me dancing but I still don't like it." Hence, no picture. Squidette on the other hand, discovered that she likes to dance ... and does it pretty well.Dancing with Daddy. Boy I hope someone got a picture of me dancing with my dad. These things don't happen that often.This is the third time they have danced at one of our weddings. Things just keep getting better and better, don't they. Yes, I got my husband tipsy enough that he not only danced with me but he enjoyed it!

May they be together for a long, long time.

Tomorrow, a belated birthday post for Mom and then a return to your regularly scheduled blog.

Festivities before the Festivities

My athletic brother and sister-in-law chose a site for their wedding where people could get outside and get physical.

Materials were provided for those who chose to kick and toss and hit.Wooded paths served the joggers and hikers. (Pictures of this are on Squidette's camera and have yet to be downloaded.)

A lovely lake placated those who needed to swim.Tennis and Lace anyone?Some softball.(Squidette at Bat ... she swings ... and she misses.)

Followed by Bride vs. Groom Kickball (the Groom's team won).

I was on the Bride's team with Mom and my nephew while the Squidlings were on the Groom's team with their grandfather. (Papa Squid was the official Kickball Photographer.)We will not talk about the fact that I missed this kick. Oops!And then there were strange faces.
And the view from our room.
When we arrived on Friday we were immediately instructed to put on our bathing suits and join my Dad and older sister at the lake. Being a good girl, I did just that. (Mike took a nap and hooked up his computer.) The kids frolicked with each other and then with their older cousin while my younger nephew hung out with us on the beach.

Swim time was followed by a bar-b-que where we spent quality time reconnecting with friends and relatives. The bar-b-que ended in a camp fire and s'mores. Yum!

Saturday dawned initially bright and clear and perfect for kickball and other outdoor activities. We all ran around in the morning and then we four took off to REI and my cousin's house so the second cousins could play for a while. (The visit to REI netted new bike shoes which work well with my handknit socks. They are also more comfortable to walk in.)

We hustled back to the Inn to shower and change for pictures and then the wedding. Tales and photographic evidence will follow in my next post. Consider this a cliff hanger ...

Sunday, May 27, 2007

An Ode to a Wedding Weekend

An Ode to a Wedding Weekend

Balls flew, marshmallows toasted, hugs given and received.

Dances danced, tears shed and two became one.

Stories exchanged, children complimented and daughters danced with fathers.

How you've grown, how you've changed, how you've remained the same.

My they're grown up, gee how nice, boy they're so smart.

Families grow and change and yet,

They always remain the same.Josh and Jaye, may your years together be many and full of joy!

Friday, May 25, 2007

Try to

amuse yourselves while I go off line for a couple of days. I expect to be spending too much time with family to blog for a few days. If you need some help on the amusement front, we have readjusted the TurtleCam for your enjoyment.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Pretty Silk!

For the curious, this is the roving that the yarn for the silk stole is being spun from. The roving is from Interlacements and totals 4 ounces. I suspect that less than half of it will wind up in the stole.
The spindle is from the Bosworths. I do not remember the type of wood but I love it!
And, just for the heck of it ... proof that if you wait for Morning Glories to sprout, you could be waiting a long time. These were planted at least 2 years ago, maybe more. I suspect my basil will not make it with the competition from the vines.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Last Tooth

Yet one more sign that my little girl is growing up. (as if being only 8 inches shorter then me isn't a sign) The Last Tooth got yanked yesterday by yours truly. Only 2, maybe 3 of Squidette's teeth have come out without motherly intervention. I have no idea why, that's just the way it has been. I am very glad to not have to poke my fingers in her mouth again. Yick! What mothers do out of love.

Our family is starting to converge on the wedding site. Watch out Massachusetts! The Squid relatives are coming! (Oh wait, some of them live there ...) Between now and tomorrow night I have to figure out some things to do both on the way and once we are there. I don't see too much "free" time on Friday since I fear the worst traffic-wise but Saturday should be wide open until an hour or so before the wedding. No, my yarn hasn't arrived yet but I was not expecting it before this evening so it still has time. My hair sticks haven't arrived yet, either. They were sent Express Mail yesterday. I have no faith that they will actually arrive in time. (The yarn, however, I have faith in. It's a Murphy's Law kind of thing.)

Look! Knitting! I have actually made measurable progress. As in, you can measure it now!