Sunday, March 11, 2007

Quiet Weekend

Before I start, I must thank you all for your kind wishes on our anniversary, you are all very sweet! Now on to your regularly scheduled post.
First I was mentally preparing a post on how cool it sometimes is to see movie production residue.

(The Bourne Ultimatum, if you care)

Then I was inconvienced by the same movie and was going to post a rant on how annoying it is to have streets closed by movie production crews. (They wouldn't let me walk down the block to the bank.)

Either post would have been combined with these before and after pictures of Little Squid.

You know the hair is too long when the following is uttered "I think I'm getting a migraine, I see the aura ... oh wait, it's just my hair."

And, while out I took these pictures of some neat buildings.

(Many of the Public Libraries in Manhattan are in buildings just like this one. I love it!)

Then Papa and I had a wonderful meal at JoJo, a leisurely walk home and a lovely conversation with a friend of my mother-in-law's who keeps asking when she can babysit for us.

Fast forward to morning and a rough wake up due to the time change and a lovely breakfast with more friends of Mike's mom while the kids were in hebrew school.

Pick up the kids plus one for the afternoon, feed them, water them and then start the garden.

Yes, the "pots" are egg cartons and yogurt containers and yes, they are sitting on top of the turtle tank for warmth. I plan on using the old, broken, tank as a "greenhouse" when it is time to start hardening them off in a month or so. My goal is a lush, green balcony this summer which will serve as my refuge from those I love.

All in all, a nice quiet weekend. Any bets on the week?

(Oh, and these arrived on Friday -- yes, Dave yarn.)

(And these were finished for someone out there in blogland.)

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

16 Years and Counting

Over the last 16 years we have had our ups and downs but frankly, our downs have never been very low because, at the root of it all, we love each other deeply and will do anything to make sure that we do not lose what we have.

Every day, every week, every month, I find another reason to appreciate my husband even more than I already do. This week it was a simple comment that brought on tears of love. Wednesday, when work was getting me down and Squidette was not feeling well, I tuned in on the TurtleCam from my work computer and noticed the reflection of the desk chair -- and the person in the chair. A quick email was sent and within minutes the smiling visage of my husband was greeting me from my school computer. More tears.

As I reflect on the last 19 years (total, not just married) I remember simple things. Our first peck on the lips at the base of the Brooklyn Bridge. Our first real kiss -- the same night that my parents told me that I was going to have a new sibling. Fooling around in front of Penn Station. Dinner at the Carnegie Deli on the night of our wedding (the party was a lunch) -- and KFC from the only KFC in Manhattan (at the time) the next night. The birth of our children and the death of his mom. All events that make our marriage stronger and more solid every day.

Tonight we will go out for a luxurious meal and toast to many more wonderful years. And then we will return home to our sleeping children and a wonderful life together.

Bagels Anyone?

I got cocky. Last night as I was cutting the bagels, I was thinking just how proficient I am at this chore. I started daydreaming about a post on proper bagel cutting procedure. I was contemplating how crunchy the crust was on this batch of bagels and how it was making them a bit more of a challenge of to cut. My mind was, obviously, not on my finger position. After all, I am an expert. Fingers, Shmingers.

You know what is coming. Yup, right into my finger. Rest easy, it was shallow and required no more than a band-aid. I was even able to finish slicing the bagels later in the evening and it only minorly effected my ability to knit and that was due more to the position of the injury and not its severity. I claimed that it was a mortal injury -- after all, I am mortal and I was injured -- but Mike wasn't buying it. He did finish cleaning out the sink, however, so I did not have to get the band-aid wet.

Tonight -- Thomas Quastoff at Carnegie Hall!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Over the months we have had the BikeCam and then BikeCam mark 2 (digital cameras mounted on the front of our bikes). Today the Squid family give you the TurtleCam! Meet our two red-eared sliders, Sparky and Gym, and our border turtle (a snake-neck we think), Natasha. Natasha and Gym are male and Sparky is female. The biggest turtle? Sparky. The smallest? Natasha. (Natasha is boarding with us while his owner, Boris, is attending graduate school in Sweden. Yes, we understand the Natasha/Boris reference.)

Please note: the TurtleCam link is subject to change. If we ever get it at a stable address, I will post a link in the sidebar.

The camera is currently set up to show the reflection in the back of the tank so it makes it look like there are more turtles then we own.

Monday, March 05, 2007


O.k., maybe the exclamation point is not called for since we lamed out this year. The kids had the option of going to religious school in costume. Since I only help with costumes if actually asked, and was not asked, they got creative with what they had. Little Squid kept on his scarf, hat and mittens and went as a wasp. Not a bumblebee. You see, a wasp can keep stinging without dying and bumblebees die when they sting. Little Squid wanted to keep stinging ... Always the scientific one ...

Squidette became her evil robot self. 'Nuf said.

A response to Mel the Elf ... The reason that Hamentashen feature the "time four" factor has to do with the vast amount of fat in the recipe. The fat actually encases extra weight and transports them to another dimension. When you eat the pastry, the fat breaks down and causes the extra weight to be retrieved and instantly installed on your midsection. This also explains why so many high fat items are physically light yet pack a serious punch weight-wise.

[Note to readers: Mel the Elf has frequently wondered how he can eat one pound of dinner and weigh two pounds more so this question actually make sense ... at least to me.]

Meanwhile we are in the middle of a debate about the Large and Terrible Frog. Is he so large that he can actually eat a little bunny? Do bunnies get smaller when dipped in dirt? Shouldn't the Birds be eating the frogs? And what about the cookies?

Saturday, March 03, 2007


We baked today. I made the dough and rolled it out, the Squidlings cut filled and shaped the pastry. Then I burned baked it. You will notice that some of them are a little charred brown. Those are mostly gone. There were 84. Now ... I don't know. Some will be packed for friends, some will be shared at work. None will be brought with us to Purim dinner tomorrow because our relatives keep kosher and we do not. We will probably bring a plant.

Before baking, however, we took a walk. From a distance, I spied this:

and said to the family "great, the OneIllBuilding, let me take a picture." Take it I did and then we finished Green Market run and came upon this:
The O'Neill Building. Oops. Now we have to figure out what the other domed building is. We did figure out that it is the building on the southeast corner of Fifth Avenue and 22nd Street and promise to pay attention the next time we make a Green Market run.On the knitting front, I finished these for Squidette. The are shown next to my dainty humongous foot for comparison. Don't you like the way the non-striping Dave yarn kind of striped in a pattern designed to break up striping? They got their first work out today and my conclusion ... I have to buy slightly looser biking shoes so I can wear my hand knit socks!


I have been feeling lonely out here and realized that it was probably because the word verification thing has been acting up lately. So ... I've turned it off.

Tune in later if you want some Hamentashen!

Friday, March 02, 2007

Hair Sticks

Over the last year or so I have allowed my hair to get fairly long. Initially this was due to simple procrastination. Then I really got to like how it looked long. Now I am growing it with a purpose in mind and I am committed to keeping my hair long at least through the summer -- but when I cut it, I still want to be able to cut off 10 inches or more and have the remainder still be long. So, this has become a major commitment.

Whenever my hair begins to get long, I start playing with it. This week, in order to get my hair off my neck in the afternoon, I twisted it up and stuck two knitting needles in it. It worked! This made me think that I might finally be able to successfully wear hair sticks. Yesterday I invested in a couple of cheap pair and managed to keep my hair in a neat twist with them for several hours. Rah!

This evening, Squidette asked me to try it with her hair. Her hair has also gotten fairly long due to my habit of procrastination. (Interesting how the Little Squid is the only person in this family that I feel I must drag to the barber on a regular basis.)

And here you go ... Big mommy, little mommy.Now to do some shopping on Etsy! There are some neat hair sticks there.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Squirrels in Class

With renovation come problems. Most buildings wind up with some sort of issues with mice or rats or insect-type vermin as the property is torn apart and reconstructed. We have issues with squirrels.

Several years ago, squirrel-proof screens were installed on the windows in my suite. These worked very well until this autumn, when they were removed so that the windows could be replaced. All of sudden the squirrels were anxious to get into school. Blog readers have suggested that maybe they are looking for a job. Since my office seemed to be their main destination, the theory made sense. Until today. Now I think that they are looking for a diploma.

This morning started with the usual this and that all preventing me from actually setting in until about an hour after arrival. By 9:15 I was finally sitting down to do some paperwork and was just getting into it when my phone rang. "Mrs. Squid, there is a squirrel in my room and I heard that you were the person to call," said the trembling voice on the phone. "On my way!" I responded, stopping only to alert the custodian and grab a garbage can. What I am planning to do with the can I can only guess. After years of experience in this field, I know that it is unlikely that I will be able to trap it with a recycling bin. Still, one can always hope.

As I enter the room I am greeted by excited students and the teacher points to a furry object in the closet. At first I do not see the tail for what it is -- it just looks like a shadow and I think that someone is playing a joke on me. Then it moves. Knowing what might come next, I tell the teacher to take the class to the library and give dirty looks to the kids who want to grab their jackets from the closet. This, by the way, is when my students prove that they have no knowledge of animal craft as they chatter and yelp their way out of the room. City kids.

The custodian arrives and, after assessing the situation, sends for his trap. He flushes the squirrel out of the closet and we watch as it limps along the floor. In to a corner it goes and then it goes right to ... the radiator housing. We are feeling pretty sorry for this guy. He appears to be hurt and we want to get him back outdoors where he can nurse his wounds, and leave us alone. Once inside the radiator housing, however, it attempts to climb the inside walls to the second floor. Fear flashes across our faces as we realize that we might have sent it up to the Junior High School. Oops. Something, however, prevents the squirrel from getting higher then about 4 feet off the ground, and we see it descend back to our level. At this point it seems prudent for us to leave the poor guy alone and we make a quiet exit -- and I grab the students jackets.

Having returned the jackets and reassured the students that we will not kill the squirrel I try to continue with my day. A sign is posted on the door of the affected room, directing the next class to a different room. Just before the next period is due to begin I get the urge to check the trap. Lo and behold it is closed and our poor furry friend is trapped inside. A quick trip to the park and up a tree he runs.

Will he be back tomorrow? Does he really want a diploma or just a potato chip? And how many of his friends are in our pipe casings?

How Do You Get to Carnegie Hall?

Um ... take the C train? (Any one out there not know the punch line?)

Last night started the second half of our subscription season at Carnegie Hall. On the program, the New World Symphony with guest cellist, Yo Yo Ma. This concert was a lot of fun for a number of reasons.

First, I have never knowingly heard any of the pieces that were performed so they all held my attention.

Second, watching Yo Yo Ma perform was just amazing. Last year we saw a number of young soloists and I was amazed at the differences in performance styles. Yo Yo Ma kept me amazed and guessing throughout the performance.

Third, the bagels. Yup, the bagels. The piece that Yo Yo Ma performed was Shostakovitch's Cello Concerto No. 2 in G Major, Op 126. The program notes for this piece speak about a part of the final movement in the following terms: "... Next comes a scherzo, a kind of jazz dance based on an Odessa street cry: "Bagels, buy our bagels ..."" So when Yo Yo Ma and the conductor came out for their bows holding bagels, half the audience burst in to laughter ... the other half was just confused. I am so glad that I read the program notes before the piece so that I got the joke.

We were also honored with a pre-intermission encore which I have never witnessed before. Way cool. Oh, and the kids were home ... it was an adult evening out. We are nice parents but not that nice. Both kids prefer opera to a straight instrumental concert.


On a side note, if anyone was planning on donating to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Squidette recently completed a Math-a-thon and has a donation page up here. She already held up politely asked and received pledges from most of her aunts and uncles so her school obligations are now fulfilled. This is not one of those big blog-drives ala' the Yarn Harlot, just a small PSA. No obligations, no goals. Just, if you already were planning on donating for some strange reason then here is a link to do it through. Really, I'll let you know when I really need your help. I like this organization and support it myself. 'Nuf said.

Tune in tomorrow for the latest Squirrel story. It's short, sweet and telling of the time we live in. And there are pictures!

Monday, February 26, 2007

Back to School Blues

I love my job but I hate going back after a vacation. Everyone is somewhat out of sorts and that includes my own squidlings. One greeted me this morning with an "I'm very emotional this morning" and the other burst in to tears four times before he got to school. One was put to rights with a hug and a cup of tea -- and a "isn't puberty grand," and the other with a new lunch box, a strap for said lunch box (actually an old lunch box dug out of the closet), a pile of clean shirts and a promise that the wet spot on his pants would dry (very wet snow fell from the car on to his pants).

Once at work I dealt with an issue that had kept me awake all night. One of those "dang, I forgot to do X before the break and it is going to really mess me up now" moments. After 2 hours of my assistant dealing with it she suddenly realized that yes, I had asked her to do it before the break and not only that, but she had dealt with it before break and we were not in trouble. In other words, I had done what I thought I had forgotten to do and she had done what I thought I forgot to tell her to do. So, tonight I am exhausted all because I was actually properly efficient. I just hate when that happens.

My new windows are in and look good. The site supervisor made nice to us and did all of the finishing work. The classrooms got the finishing piecemeal -- windows one week, plastering the next, painting the third week and finally shades. I came back to plastered, sealed windows with shades ... and a good squirrel story.

Apparently, while they had the windows out, the squirrels came in and ran all around the suite of offices. They even set off the building alarm system when stowaways escaped into the corridor. Finally, they were herded out a side door. Evidence of their presence was on my desk. Blech!

And now it is Tuesday and I will have the pleasure of seeing Yo Yo Ma at Carnegie Hall tonight. Weeee!

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Another Break, More Finished Objects

At the start of the mid-winter recess I mentioned my knitting goals for the break. I am pleased to announce that not only did I finish all of my break knitting, I also started and almost finished one additional project -- new felted clogs for Squidette -- and finished felting my Boogaj bag. Pictures of the bag will appear after I have inserted the strap.

So, in order of finishing, I present ...

Bumblebee Scarf, as modeled by Little Squid. Now he has matching hat, scarf and mittens though the mittens did not join the hat and scarf on the ski slope in sub-freezing weather.Mystery Project. I show you the cakes of yarn to prove that they were used. Mystery Project will be revealed in a week or so after Papa has had a chance to use them in school.

Tulip and Gingham socks for Squidette. These were started several months ago and completed on Friday night.Mermaid socks for Mama Squid. Knit out of Cabin Cove yarn -- my one and only skein. Dave, I need a fix! Just not a lace weight fix, thank you.

And work was done on the third school blanket. There are not yet enough blocks for an entire blanket but I pieced together a few of the odder shaped blocks in to one larger block.A new pair of socks is on the needles and I should finish the clogs by Wednesday with felting on Sunday.

Tomorrow, back to work in the snow and slush. Yick! I really dislike commuting in this kind of weather and NYC simply does not close schools for less than a foot of snow.

Some Quick Thoughts

One: from a squid point of view, this site is a great place to waste time.

Two: from a squirrel point of view, this article is enlightening.

Three: I received an email from the site supervisor for the school construction job. He let me know that he was careful to put the baby squirrels in to my desk drawer when they replaced my windows. Love a contractor with a sense of humor.

Four: Photos of all the finished objects from this break will be posted later today. For those in need of some quick knowledge ... I finished all of the projects I set forth, and then some.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Spinning in Circles

I love to spin but have done very little of it this week due to our travels. Currently, I own three wheels and a charka as well as sundry and assorted spindles.

recently asked for opinions on the Journey Wheel and I chirped in with mine. Short version, noisy but I love it. During last summer's renovations it was the only wheel I had accessible and so I did a fair amount of spinning on it. Usually I save it for plying and it makes a great side-table next to my knitting chair.

My other wheels are my Minstral,

and my Louet S-10 which now kind of belongs to Squidette and is buried in the back of a closet where I cannot easily take a picture of it. It went there last summer and I have yet to excavate all that was stored in that closet.

My charka, also a Journey Wheel (notebook size). Love it! I may even take it traveling with me this summer.

Also on the spinning front ...our new bike trainer. The old one bit the dust right before the break. You should know that I spin while I spin. I have a spindle project that is designated specifically for exercise time. I picked up this roving in Lancaster, PA last summer and am just about ready to start the third spindleful.In my purse and designated for laundry time is one of my Bosworth spindles with some lucious silk on it. I started this silk two years ago and recently decided to fast track it so that I could rip the shawl I started and restart with Eunny's Print O' the Wave pattern. I am thinking that it would be a good carry-along during our travels this summer. Yes, we are already thinking summer here at Casa del Calamar. Since Squidette did not make it in to the program she was trying for, we have decided to dispense with camp and spend the money on travel instead. Montreal and the surrounding area is leading in the polls due to the extensive bikeways present in Quebec. It would also give the kids a chance to finally use their passports. Add to that a trip out "west" to Indiana (and Kentucky if my brother-in-law stays put) and our annual jaunt to Pennsylvania Dutch Country and the summer is filling up nicely. My sister tells me that her town has added miles and miles of bike paths so another journey to New Hampshire should also be in order. I'm getting excited just typing this! Now to figure out what knitting to take ...

For you long haired bikers out there ... how do you get your hair off your back without interfering with your helmet? Cutting is not an option right now. On the trainer I can pin it up but then I do not bother with a helmet on the trainer since there is no way the bike can fall.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Home Again

And my urge to blog in rhyme is gone. Sorry.

The last few days were wonderful. My sister and her husband are great people and my nephew is just the cutest, sweetest baby I have ever met ... since my own.We all gained new skills and new confidences on the ski slopes and grew as people. Originally, Little Squid did not want to ski this year after coming up short in comparison to Squidette the year before. To get him to take the lessons, I had to promise to do the same. Since I do not believe in breaking promises to kids, Papa and I took a semi-private lesson. (We shared it with each other.) We got lucky and had the same instructor as last year -- and she even remembered us! Despite the easiest slope being closed, she got us up and down the mountain twice.

At the end of the first day, three squid had descended the easiest available beginner trail and all had found it kind of scary. Two squid opted for not skiing on the second day, one got up his courage and promised to go down the mountain and the last squid wanted to ski but only on the bunny slope. That same squid was a bit offended by her stanza in yesterday's verse so here is her correction:

Squidette found her place
On the Bunny Hill

And went up the rope tow

With balance and skill.
She also kept an eye on her brother and let us know when he went up the mountain. This guaranteed a cheering section when he came back down.

This morning we were all up early and hit the road before 9:00. Others would have stayed and skied some more but we are home-squid and wanted to be in our own abode by dinner time.

Once home, laundry had to be done.

This is how many wool socks Squid wear in sub-freezing weather.They are now scattered around the apartment on top of convector units, drying.

On the way home we passed this "tree." Any of you have cell trees in your neck of the woods?
Knitting did get done. As you can tell, Little Squid's scarf was ready for skiing. Also finished was the mystery project. That project will only be revealed after it has first been used for its (their) intended purpose. The first mermaid sock is done and I fully expect to get to the heel of the second sock today. We Squid go to the dentist en masse and I have the dubious pleasure of being the last one in the chair, so lots of knitting time.

Later, pictures of the blocks for the latest school blanket and of my Journey Wheel.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


As I sit with my laptop
Typing one-handed
My nephew, he coos
And acts like he planned it.

While mommy went skiing
and so did the cousins
Nephie and I
communed with the dozens

Of family members
Left behind in the lodge
While their others were
Weaving and doing the dodge

Around those cute moguls
And under the lifts
Waving at mothers
Watching in shifts.

Up on the mountain
One child, he did
Ascend and descend,
My Little Squid.

He conquered his fear
And rode up the lift
And down he did ski
Really, quite swift

Squidette found her place
on a small little slope
and amused herself silly
that cute little dope.

And hence ends our tale
Of Squid on their Skis
This might be repeated
But you have to say Please.

Monday, February 19, 2007

A Day on Squid Mountain

And so our intrepid Squid took to the slopes,
The weather was cold But they knew the ropes.

The Squidlings they went off to camp without stressin’
And Mama and Papa joined up for a lesson.

And ‘lo did the have the same teacher as last
Who assumed that Mama should just have passed.

But with grit and with vigor Mama stuck to her guns
And treated the spectators to two very slow runs.

Down the mountain she came, terrified all the while
Greeted by Papa with a very large smile.

The parents they took to the lodge for some lunch
While the Squidlings enjoyed a late morning brunch.

Then off to the mountain did Squidette then go
And partially up slogged our Little Squid, Oh!

A little bit scared and a little bit frightened,
The Squidlings still ended the day somewhat brightened.

They made themselves proud even though they were scared
And came home to hugs from the people who cared.

And so ends day one of the Squids’ winter journey,
We hope no one returns to New York on a gurney.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Squid in the Snow

(With apologies to Dr. Seuss)

In the land of the Squid
In the time of the Snow
The Squidlings once begged
It is time we did go.

To visit our brethren
To frolic and flee
From the dirt of the City
They said it to me.

And so we departed
Like Squid all a fire
And started our trip
To the mountains of 'Shire.

We drove through the morning
And almost 'til noon
When we thought we would stop
To pick up a spoon.

For food we did need
The poor Squidlings creeled.
And so we did stop,
In the Land of Springfield.

What sights we did see,
The kids they did chertle
To see Papa's sock
Near Yertle the Turtle.

Then 'round the next corner
The Squidlings, they flew
To see the next sight,
Thing One and Thing Two.

Then Little Squid gasped
And laughed with the fun
To see the Who
On the elephant, Horton.

Having seen their brass friends,
The Squid picked up the pace
They kept on driving
As if in a race.

A race to the snow
To the powder so deep
That a Shepard could easily
Lose track of her sheep.

When finally long gone
From the City they'd fled
The Squidlings they finally did,
Climb on a Sled.

Through the snow they did slide
And floundered around
And the Doggies did help them
Get off of the ground.

Then in to the house
They went with all a buzzin'
To have a good time
With their littlest cousin.

More fun in the snow
Will follow this post
But now we must munch
on Hot Chocolate and Toast.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Goals for the Week

We Squid are now enjoying our mid-winter recess. Today was a quiet day as we ran errands and cleared the decks for the rest of the week. My folks came in for some quality visiting time and a private concert by the Squidlings. Tomorrow we get busy! With that said, I have major knitting goals for this week.

I absolutely, positively, must finish this scarf by the end of tomorrow. Got to be able to distinguish my Little Squid in the snow!Next up is this:
What is it? I'm not telling! All I will say is that Papa needs it as a teaching prop by the time school starts up again.

As for these, well they have a chance of being finished but the two projects above will take priority as of tomorrow morning.And Mermaid? She will see plenty of progress when I need to switch to smaller needles. Only half an inch to go before starting the toe decreases!

Other yarns are waiting in the background in case I finish all of these. Any bettors out there? Will I finish all four projects? Will I flake out and start a fifth before any are done? And what about Naomi?